1. A 2MB
PCM(pulse code modulation) has
a) 32 channels
b) 30 voice channels & 1 signaling channel.
c) 31 voice channels & 1 signaling channel.
d) 32 channels out of which 30 voice channels, 1 signaling channel,
& 1 Synchronization channel.
Ans: (c)
2. Time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication is
a) 1/2 second
b) 1 seconds
c) 4 seconds
d) 2 seconds
Ans: (a)
3. Max number of satellite hops allowed in voice communication is :
a) only one
b) more than one
c) two hops
d) four hops
Ans: (c)
4. What is the max.decimal number that can be accommodate in a byte.
a) 128
b) 256
c) 255
d) 512
Ans: (c)
5. Conditional results after execution of an instruction in a micro processor
is stored in
a) register
b) accumulator
c) flag register
d) flag register part of PSW(Program Status Word)
Ans: (d)
6. Frequency at which VOICE is sampled is
a) 4 Khz
b) 8 Khz
c) 16 Khz
d) 64 Khz
Ans: (a)
7. Line of Sight is
a) Straight Line
b) Parabolic
c) Tx& Rx should be visible to each other
d) none
Ans: (c)
8. Purpose of PC (Program Counter) in a Micro Processor is
a) To store address of TOS (Top of Stack)
b) To store address of next instruction to be executed.
c) Count the number of instructions.
d) To store base address of the stack.
Ans: (b)
9. What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by a non-mask able interrupt?
a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the
current instruction.
b) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the current task.
c) Processor serves the interrupt request immediately.
d) Processor serving the interrupt request depends upon the priority of the current
task under execution.
Ans: (a)
10. The status of the Kernel is
a) task
b) process
c) not defined.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (b)
11. To send a data packet using datagram, connection will be established
a) before data transmission.
b) Connection is not established before data transmission.
c) No connection is required.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (c)
12. Word alignment is
a) aligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine.
b) Aligning to even boundary.
c) Aligning to word boundary.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (a)
13. When a 'C' function call is made, the order in which parameters passed to the function are pushed into
the stack is
a) left to right
b) right to left
c) bigger variables are moved first than the smaller variables.
d) Smaller variables are moved first than the bigger ones.
e) None of the above.
Ans: (b)
14. What is the type of signaling used between two exchanges?
a) inband
b) common channel signaling
c) any of the above
d) none of the above.
Ans: (a)
15.Buffering is
a) the process of temporarily storing the data to allow for small variation in device speeds
b) a method to reduce cross talks
c) storage of data within transmitting medium until the receiver is ready
to receive.
d) a method to reduce routing overhead.
Ans: (a)
16. Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is
a) allocated in RAM.
b) Allocated in ROM.
c) allocated on stack.
d) Assigned to registers.
Ans: (c)
17. A software that allows a personal computer to pretend as a computer terminal is
a) terminal adapter
b) bulletin board
c) modem
d) terminal emulation
Ans: (d)
18. Find the output of the following program
int *p,*q;
p=(int *)1000;
q=(int *)2000;
Ans: 500
19. Which addressing mode is used in the following statements:
(a) MVI B, 55
(b) MOV B,A
(c) MOV M,A
Ans. (a) immediate addressing mode.
(b) Register Addressing Mode
(c) Direct addressing mode
20. RS-232C standard is used in _____________.
Ans. Serial I/O
21. Memory. Management in Operating Systems is done by
a) Memory Management Unit
b) Memory management software of the Operating System
c) Kernel
Ans: (b)
22. What is done for a Push operation?
Ans: SP is decremented and then the value is stored.
23. Binary equivalent of 52
Ans. 110100
24. Hexadecimal equivalent of 3452
Ans. 72A
25. Explain Just In Time Concept?
Ans. Elimination of waste by purchasing manufacturing exactly when needed
26. A good way of unit testing s/w program is
Ans. User test
27. OOT uses
Ans. Encapsulated of detect methods
28.EDI useful in
Ans. Electronic Transmission
29. MRPII different from MRP
Ans. Modular version of man redundant initials
30.Hard disk time for R/W head to move to correct sector
Ans. Latency Time
31. The percentage of times a page number bound in associate register is called
Ans. Bit ratio
32. Expand MODEM
Ans. Modulator and Demodulator
33. RDBMS file system can be defined as
Ans. Interrelated
34. Super Key is
Ans. Primary key and Attribute
35. Windows 95 supports
(a) Multi-user
(b) n tasks
(c) Both
(d) None
Ans. (a)
36.In the command scanf, h is used for
Ans. Short int
37.A process is defined as
Ans. Program in execution
38.A thread is
Ans. Detachable unit of executable code)
39.What is the advantage of Win NT over Win 95
Ans. Robust and secure
40.How is memory management done in Win95
Ans. Through paging and segmentation
41.What is meant by polymorphism
Ans. Redefinition of a base class method in a derived class
42.What is the essential feature of inheritance
Ans. All properties of existing class are derived
43.What does the protocol FTP do
Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations with user authentication
44.In the transport layer ,TCP is what type of protocol
Ans. Connection oriented
45.Why is a gateway used
Ans. To connect incompatible networks
46.How is linked list implemented
Ans. By referential structures
47.What method is used in Win95 in multitasking
Ans. Non preemptive check
48.What is a semaphore
Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes
49.What is the precedence order from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ /
Ans.( ) , ++, /
50.Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G
51.What is the efficiency of merge sort
Ans. O(n log n)
52.In which layer are routers used
Ans.In network layer
53.Which of the following sorting algorithm has average sorting behavior -- Bubble sort,mergesort,heap
sort,exchange sort
Ans. Heap sort
54.In binary search tree which traversal is used for getting ascending order values--Inorder
55.What are device drivers used for
Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware
56.What is fork command in unix
Ans. System call used to create process
57.What is make command in unix
Ans. Used for creation of more than one file
58.In unix .profile contains
Ans. Start up program
59.In unix 'ls 'stores contents in
Ans.inode block
60. Which of the following involves context switch,
(a) system call
(b) priviliged instruction
(c) floating poitnt exception
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above
Ans: (a)
61. In OST, terminal emulation is done in
(a) sessions layer
(b) application layer
(c) presentation layer
(d) transport layer
Ans: (b)
62. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required,
(d) 24
Ans. (b)
63. Semaphore is used for
(a) synchronization
(b) dead-lock avoidence
(c) box
(d) none
Ans. (a)
64. Which holds true for the following statement
class c: public A, public B
a) 2 member in class A, B should not have same name
b) 2 member in class A, C should not have same name
c) both
d) none
Ans. (a)
65.Preprocessor.. does not do which one of the following
(a) macro
(b) conditional complication
(c) in type checking
(d) including load file
Ans. (c)
66. Piggy backing is a technique for
a) Flow control
b) Sequence
c) Acknowledgement
d) retransmission
Ans. (c)
67. Which is not a memory management scheme?
a) buddy system
b) swapping
c) monitors
d) paging
Ans : c
68. There was a circuit given using three NAND gates with two inputs and one output.
Find the output.
a) OR
b) AND
c) XOR
d) NOT
Ans. (a)
69.I integrated check value(ICV) are used as:
Ans. The client computes the ICV and then compares it with the senders value.
70. When applets are downloaded from web sites , a byte verifier performs _________?
Ans. Status check.
71. An IP/IPX packet received by a computer using... having IP/IPX both
how the packet is handled.
Ans. Read the, field in the packet header with to send IP or IPX protocol.
72. The UNIX shell ....
a) does not come with the rest of the system
b) forms the interface between the user and the kernal
c) does not give any scope for programming
d) deos not allow calling one program from with in another
e) all of the above
Ans. (b)
73. In UNIX a files i-node ......?
Ans. Is a data structure that defines all specifications of a file like the file size,
number of lines to a file, permissions etc.
74. The very first process created by the kernel that runs till the kernel
process is halts is
a) init
b) getty
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of these
Ans. (a)
75. In the process table entry for the kernel process, the process id value is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 255
(e) it does not have a process table entry
Ans. (a)
76. Which of the following API is used to hide a window
a) ShowWindow
b) EnableWindow
c) MoveWindow
d) SetWindowPlacement
e) None of the above
Ans. (a)
77. Which function is the entry point for a DLL in MS Windows 3.1
a) Main
b) Winmain
c) Dllmain
d) Libmain
e) None
Ans. (b)
78. The standard source for standard input, standard output and standard error is
a) the terminal
b) /dev/null
c) /usr/you/input, /usr/you/output/, /usr/you/error respectively
d) None
Ans. (a)
79. The redirection operators > and >>
a) do the same function
b) differ : > overwrites, while >> appends
c) differ : > is used for input while >> is used for output
d) differ : > write to any file while >> write only to standard output
e) None of these
Ans. (b)
80. The command grep first second third /usr/you/myfile
a) prints lines containing the words first, second or third from the
file /usr/you/myfile
b) searches for lines containing the pattern first in the files
second, third, and /usr/you/myfile and prints them
c) searches the files /usr/you/myfiel and third for lines containing the
words first or second and prints them
d) replaces the word first with the word second in the files third
and /usr/you/myfile
e) None of the above
Ans. (b)
81. You are creating a Index on EMPNO column in the EMPLOYEE table.
Which statement will you use?
a) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx ON employee, empno;
b) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx FOR employee, empno;
c) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx ON employee(empno);
d) CREATE emp_empno_idxINdEX ON employee(empno);
Ans. c
82. Which program construct must return a value?
a) Package
b) Function
c) Anonymous block
d) Stored Procedure
e) Application Procedure
Ans. b
83. Which Statement would you use to remove the EMPLOYEE_Id_PK PRIMARY KEY
constraint and all depending constraints fromthe EMPLOYEE table?
c) MOdIFY TABLE employee dROP CONSTRAINT employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
d) ALTER TABLE employee dROP PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
e) MOdIFY TABLE employee dELETE PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
Ans. a
84. Which three commands cause a transaction to end? (Chosse three)
Ans. a ,b ,f
85. Under which circumstance should you create an index on a table?
a) The table is small.
b) The table is updated frequently.
c) A columns values are static and contain a narrow range of values
d) Two columns are consistently used in the WHERE clause join condition of SELECT
86. What was the first name given to Java Programming Language.
a) Oak - Java
b) Small Talk
c) Oak
d) None
a) 32 channels
b) 30 voice channels & 1 signaling channel.
c) 31 voice channels & 1 signaling channel.
d) 32 channels out of which 30 voice channels, 1 signaling channel,
& 1 Synchronization channel.
Ans: (c)
2. Time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication is
a) 1/2 second
b) 1 seconds
c) 4 seconds
d) 2 seconds
Ans: (a)
3. Max number of satellite hops allowed in voice communication is :
a) only one
b) more than one
c) two hops
d) four hops
Ans: (c)
4. What is the max.decimal number that can be accommodate in a byte.
a) 128
b) 256
c) 255
d) 512
Ans: (c)
5. Conditional results after execution of an instruction in a micro processor
is stored in
a) register
b) accumulator
c) flag register
d) flag register part of PSW(Program Status Word)
Ans: (d)
6. Frequency at which VOICE is sampled is
a) 4 Khz
b) 8 Khz
c) 16 Khz
d) 64 Khz
Ans: (a)
7. Line of Sight is
a) Straight Line
b) Parabolic
c) Tx& Rx should be visible to each other
d) none
Ans: (c)
8. Purpose of PC (Program Counter) in a Micro Processor is
a) To store address of TOS (Top of Stack)
b) To store address of next instruction to be executed.
c) Count the number of instructions.
d) To store base address of the stack.
Ans: (b)
9. What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by a non-mask able interrupt?
a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the
current instruction.
b) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the current task.
c) Processor serves the interrupt request immediately.
d) Processor serving the interrupt request depends upon the priority of the current
task under execution.
Ans: (a)
10. The status of the Kernel is
a) task
b) process
c) not defined.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (b)
11. To send a data packet using datagram, connection will be established
a) before data transmission.
b) Connection is not established before data transmission.
c) No connection is required.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (c)
12. Word alignment is
a) aligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine.
b) Aligning to even boundary.
c) Aligning to word boundary.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (a)
13. When a 'C' function call is made, the order in which parameters passed to the function are pushed into
the stack is
a) left to right
b) right to left
c) bigger variables are moved first than the smaller variables.
d) Smaller variables are moved first than the bigger ones.
e) None of the above.
Ans: (b)
14. What is the type of signaling used between two exchanges?
a) inband
b) common channel signaling
c) any of the above
d) none of the above.
Ans: (a)
15.Buffering is
a) the process of temporarily storing the data to allow for small variation in device speeds
b) a method to reduce cross talks
c) storage of data within transmitting medium until the receiver is ready
to receive.
d) a method to reduce routing overhead.
Ans: (a)
16. Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is
a) allocated in RAM.
b) Allocated in ROM.
c) allocated on stack.
d) Assigned to registers.
Ans: (c)
17. A software that allows a personal computer to pretend as a computer terminal is
a) terminal adapter
b) bulletin board
c) modem
d) terminal emulation
Ans: (d)
18. Find the output of the following program
int *p,*q;
p=(int *)1000;
q=(int *)2000;
Ans: 500
19. Which addressing mode is used in the following statements:
(a) MVI B, 55
(b) MOV B,A
(c) MOV M,A
Ans. (a) immediate addressing mode.
(b) Register Addressing Mode
(c) Direct addressing mode
20. RS-232C standard is used in _____________.
Ans. Serial I/O
21. Memory. Management in Operating Systems is done by
a) Memory Management Unit
b) Memory management software of the Operating System
c) Kernel
Ans: (b)
22. What is done for a Push operation?
Ans: SP is decremented and then the value is stored.
23. Binary equivalent of 52
Ans. 110100
24. Hexadecimal equivalent of 3452
Ans. 72A
25. Explain Just In Time Concept?
Ans. Elimination of waste by purchasing manufacturing exactly when needed
26. A good way of unit testing s/w program is
Ans. User test
27. OOT uses
Ans. Encapsulated of detect methods
28.EDI useful in
Ans. Electronic Transmission
29. MRPII different from MRP
Ans. Modular version of man redundant initials
30.Hard disk time for R/W head to move to correct sector
Ans. Latency Time
31. The percentage of times a page number bound in associate register is called
Ans. Bit ratio
32. Expand MODEM
Ans. Modulator and Demodulator
33. RDBMS file system can be defined as
Ans. Interrelated
34. Super Key is
Ans. Primary key and Attribute
35. Windows 95 supports
(a) Multi-user
(b) n tasks
(c) Both
(d) None
Ans. (a)
36.In the command scanf, h is used for
Ans. Short int
37.A process is defined as
Ans. Program in execution
38.A thread is
Ans. Detachable unit of executable code)
39.What is the advantage of Win NT over Win 95
Ans. Robust and secure
40.How is memory management done in Win95
Ans. Through paging and segmentation
41.What is meant by polymorphism
Ans. Redefinition of a base class method in a derived class
42.What is the essential feature of inheritance
Ans. All properties of existing class are derived
43.What does the protocol FTP do
Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations with user authentication
44.In the transport layer ,TCP is what type of protocol
Ans. Connection oriented
45.Why is a gateway used
Ans. To connect incompatible networks
46.How is linked list implemented
Ans. By referential structures
47.What method is used in Win95 in multitasking
Ans. Non preemptive check
48.What is a semaphore
Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes
49.What is the precedence order from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ /
Ans.( ) , ++, /
50.Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G
51.What is the efficiency of merge sort
Ans. O(n log n)
52.In which layer are routers used
Ans.In network layer
53.Which of the following sorting algorithm has average sorting behavior -- Bubble sort,mergesort,heap
sort,exchange sort
Ans. Heap sort
54.In binary search tree which traversal is used for getting ascending order values--Inorder
55.What are device drivers used for
Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware
56.What is fork command in unix
Ans. System call used to create process
57.What is make command in unix
Ans. Used for creation of more than one file
58.In unix .profile contains
Ans. Start up program
59.In unix 'ls 'stores contents in
Ans.inode block
60. Which of the following involves context switch,
(a) system call
(b) priviliged instruction
(c) floating poitnt exception
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above
Ans: (a)
61. In OST, terminal emulation is done in
(a) sessions layer
(b) application layer
(c) presentation layer
(d) transport layer
Ans: (b)
62. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required,
(d) 24
Ans. (b)
63. Semaphore is used for
(a) synchronization
(b) dead-lock avoidence
(c) box
(d) none
Ans. (a)
64. Which holds true for the following statement
class c: public A, public B
a) 2 member in class A, B should not have same name
b) 2 member in class A, C should not have same name
c) both
d) none
Ans. (a)
65.Preprocessor.. does not do which one of the following
(a) macro
(b) conditional complication
(c) in type checking
(d) including load file
Ans. (c)
66. Piggy backing is a technique for
a) Flow control
b) Sequence
c) Acknowledgement
d) retransmission
Ans. (c)
67. Which is not a memory management scheme?
a) buddy system
b) swapping
c) monitors
d) paging
Ans : c
68. There was a circuit given using three NAND gates with two inputs and one output.
Find the output.
a) OR
b) AND
c) XOR
d) NOT
Ans. (a)
69.I integrated check value(ICV) are used as:
Ans. The client computes the ICV and then compares it with the senders value.
70. When applets are downloaded from web sites , a byte verifier performs _________?
Ans. Status check.
71. An IP/IPX packet received by a computer using... having IP/IPX both
how the packet is handled.
Ans. Read the, field in the packet header with to send IP or IPX protocol.
72. The UNIX shell ....
a) does not come with the rest of the system
b) forms the interface between the user and the kernal
c) does not give any scope for programming
d) deos not allow calling one program from with in another
e) all of the above
Ans. (b)
73. In UNIX a files i-node ......?
Ans. Is a data structure that defines all specifications of a file like the file size,
number of lines to a file, permissions etc.
74. The very first process created by the kernel that runs till the kernel
process is halts is
a) init
b) getty
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of these
Ans. (a)
75. In the process table entry for the kernel process, the process id value is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 255
(e) it does not have a process table entry
Ans. (a)
76. Which of the following API is used to hide a window
a) ShowWindow
b) EnableWindow
c) MoveWindow
d) SetWindowPlacement
e) None of the above
Ans. (a)
77. Which function is the entry point for a DLL in MS Windows 3.1
a) Main
b) Winmain
c) Dllmain
d) Libmain
e) None
Ans. (b)
78. The standard source for standard input, standard output and standard error is
a) the terminal
b) /dev/null
c) /usr/you/input, /usr/you/output/, /usr/you/error respectively
d) None
Ans. (a)
79. The redirection operators > and >>
a) do the same function
b) differ : > overwrites, while >> appends
c) differ : > is used for input while >> is used for output
d) differ : > write to any file while >> write only to standard output
e) None of these
Ans. (b)
80. The command grep first second third /usr/you/myfile
a) prints lines containing the words first, second or third from the
file /usr/you/myfile
b) searches for lines containing the pattern first in the files
second, third, and /usr/you/myfile and prints them
c) searches the files /usr/you/myfiel and third for lines containing the
words first or second and prints them
d) replaces the word first with the word second in the files third
and /usr/you/myfile
e) None of the above
Ans. (b)
81. You are creating a Index on EMPNO column in the EMPLOYEE table.
Which statement will you use?
a) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx ON employee, empno;
b) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx FOR employee, empno;
c) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx ON employee(empno);
d) CREATE emp_empno_idxINdEX ON employee(empno);
Ans. c
82. Which program construct must return a value?
a) Package
b) Function
c) Anonymous block
d) Stored Procedure
e) Application Procedure
Ans. b
83. Which Statement would you use to remove the EMPLOYEE_Id_PK PRIMARY KEY
constraint and all depending constraints fromthe EMPLOYEE table?
c) MOdIFY TABLE employee dROP CONSTRAINT employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
d) ALTER TABLE employee dROP PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
e) MOdIFY TABLE employee dELETE PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
Ans. a
84. Which three commands cause a transaction to end? (Chosse three)
Ans. a ,b ,f
85. Under which circumstance should you create an index on a table?
a) The table is small.
b) The table is updated frequently.
c) A columns values are static and contain a narrow range of values
d) Two columns are consistently used in the WHERE clause join condition of SELECT
86. What was the first name given to Java Programming Language.
a) Oak - Java
b) Small Talk
c) Oak
d) None
Q1. When
data and acknowledgement are sent in the same frame, this is called as
(A) Piggy packing
(B) Piggy backing
(C) Back packing
(D) Good packing
2. Encryption and Decryption is the responsibility of Layer.
(A) Physical
(B) Network
(C) Application
(D) Datalink
3. An analog signal carries 4 bits in each signal unit. If 1000 signal units are sent per second, then baud rate and bit rate of the signal are and
(A) 4000 bauds \ sec & 1000 bps
(B) 2000 bauds \ sec & 1000 bps
(C) 1000 bauds \ sec & 500 bps
(D) 1000 bauds \ sec & 4000 bps
4. The VLF and LF bauds use propagation for communication.
(A) Ground
(B) Sky
(C) Line of sight
(D) Space
5. Using the RSA public key crypto system, if p = 13, q = 31 and d = 7, then the value of e is
(A) 101
(B) 103
(C) 105
(D) 107
6. FAN IN of a component A is defined as
(A) Number of components that can call or pass control to component A.
(B) Number of components that are called by component A.
(C) Number of components related to component A.
(D) Number of components dependent on component A.
7. The relationship of data elements in a module is called
(A) Coupling
(B) Modularity
(C) Cohesion
(D) Granularity
8. Software Configuration Management is the discipline for systematically controlling
(A) the changes due to the evolution of work products as the project proceeds.
(B) the changes due to defects (bugs) being found and then fixed.
(C) the changes due to requirement changes
(D) all of the above
9. Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering ?
(A) Requirement elicitation
(B) Requirement analysts
(C) Requirement design
(D) Requirement documentation
10. Testing of software with actual data and in actual environment is called
(A) Alpha testing
(B) Beta testing
(C) Regression testing
(D) None of the above
11. The student marks should not be greater than 100. This is
(A) Integrity constraint(B) Referential constraint
(C) Over-defined constraint
(D) Feasible constraint
12. GO BOTTOM and SKTP-3 commands are given one after another in a database file of 30 records. It shifts the control to
(A) 28th record
(B) 27th record
(C) 3rd record
(D) 4th record
13. An ER Model includes
I. An ER diagram portraying entity types.
II. Attributes for each entity type
III. Relationships among entity types.
IV. Semantic integrity constraints that reflects the business rules about data not captured in the ER diagram.
(A) I, II, III & IV
(B) I&IV
(C) I, II & IV
(D) I & III
14. Based on the cardinality ratio and participation associated with a relationship type, choose either the Foreign Key Design, the Cross Referencing Design or Mutual Referencing Design.
(A) Entity
(B) Constraints
(C) Rules
(D) Keys
15. Data Integrity control uses
(A) Upper and lower limits on numeric data.
(B) Passwords to prohibit unauthorised access to files.
(C) Data dictionary to keep the data
(D) Data dictionary to find last access of data
16. What does the following declaration mean ?
int (*ptr) [10];
(A) ptr is an array of pointers of 10 integers.
(B) ptr is a pointer to an array of 10 integers.
(C) ptr is an array of 10 integers.
(D) none of the above.
17. Which of the following has compilation error in C ?
(A) int n = 32 ;
(B) char ch = 65 ;
(C) float f= (float) 3.2;
(D) none of the above
18. Which of the following operators can not be overloaded in C+ + ?
(A) *
(B) + =
(C) = =
(D) ::
19. allows to create classes which are derived from other classes, so that they automatically include some of its "parent's" members, plus its own members.
(A) Overloading
(B) Inheritance
(C) Polymorphism
(D) Encapsulation
20. The correct way to round off a floating number x to an integer value is
(A) y = (int)(x + 0.5)
(B) y = int (x + 0.5)
(C) y = (int)x+ 0.5
(D) y = (int)((int)x + 0.5)
21. What is the value of the postfix expression ?
a b c d + - * (where a = 8, b = 4, c = 2 and d = 5)
(A) -3/8
(B) -8/3
(C) 24
(D) -24
22. If the queue is implemented with a linked list, keeping track of a front pointer and a rear pointer, which of these pointers will change during an insertion into a non-empty queue ?
(A) Neither of the pointers change
(B) Only front pointer changes
(C) Only rear pointer changes
(D) Both of the pointers changes
23. _________ is often used to prove the correctness of a recursive function.
(A) Diagonaliization
(B) Communitivity
(C) Mathematical Induction
(D) Matrix Multiplication
24. For any B-tree of minimum degree t > 2, every node other than the root must have atleast _________ keys and every node can have at, most ________ keys.
(A) t-1,2t+1
(B) t+1,2t+1
(C) t-1,2t-1
(D) t+1,2t-1
25. Given two sorted list of size 'm' and 'n' respectively. The number of comparison needed in the worst case
by the merge sort algorithm will be
(A) m x n
(B) max (m, n)
(C) min (m, n)
(D) m + n - 1
26. Given the following statements :
S1 : SLR uses follow information to guide reductions. In case of LR and LALR parsers, the look-aheads are associated with the items and they make use of the left context available to the parser.
S2 : LR grammar is a larger subclass of context free grammar as compared to that SLR and LALR grammars.
Which of the following is true ?
(A) S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
(C) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(D) S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
27. The context free grammar for the language
(A) S→aaaA; A→aAb|B, B→Bb | λ,
(B) S → aaaA|λ, A ->aAb | B, B→ Bb|λ
(C) S→aaaA | aa A |λ , A ->aAb | B|λ, B→ Bb|λ
(D) S→aaaA | aa A | aA |λ , A → aAb | B, B→ Bb | λ
28. Given the following statements :
S1 : If L is a regular language then the language {uv | u Є L, v Є LR} is also regular.
S2 : L = {wwR }is regular language.
Which of the following is true ?
(A) S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
(C) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(D) S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
29. The process of assigning load addresses to the various parts of the program and adjusting the code and data in the program to reflect the assigned addresses is called ____________
(A) Symbol resolution
(B) Parsing
(C) Assembly
(D) Relocation
30. Which of the following derivations does a top-down parser use while parsing an input string ? The input is scanned from left to right.
(A) Leftmost derivation
(B) Leftmost derivation traced out in reverse
(C) Rightmost derivation traced out in reverse
(D) Rightmost derivation
31. The dual of a Boolean expression is obtained by interchanging
(A) Boolean sums and Boolean products
(B) Boolean sums and Boolean products or interchanging 0's and 1 's
(C) Boolean sums and Boolean products and interchanging 0's & 1's
(D) Interchanging 0's and 1's
32. Given that (292) 10 = (1204)x in some number system x. The base x of that number system is
(A) 2
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) None of the above
32. Given that (292) 10 = (1204)x in some number system x. The base x of that number system is
(A) 2
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) None of the above
34. Let P(m, n) be the statement
"m divides n" where the universe of discourse for both the variables is the set of
positive integer.Determine the truth values of each of the following propositions:
I: VmVnP(m,n),
II. ÆŽmVn P(m, n)
(A) Both I and II are true
(B) Both I and II are false
(C) I - false & II - true
(D) I - true & II - false
35. Big - 0 estimate for
f(x) = (x + 1) log(x^2 + 1) + 3x^2 is given as
(A) O(xlogx)
(B) O(x^2)
(C) O(x^3)
(D) O(x^2 logx)
36. How many edges are there in a forest of t-trees containing a total of n vertices ?
(A) n+1
(B) n-t
(C) n*t
(D) nt
37. Let f and g be the functions from the set of integers to the set integers defined by
f(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = 3x + 2
Then the composition of f and g and g and f is given as
(A) 6x + 7, 6x + 11
(B) 6x + 11, 6x + 7
(C) 5x + 5, 5x + 5
(D) None of the above
Composition of f and g is gof = g(f(x))
38. If n and r are non-negative integers and n > r, then p(n + 1, r) equals to
(A) P(n,r)(n + 1) / (n + 1 - r)
(B) P(n,r)(n+1) / (n - 1 + r)
(C) p(n,r)(n-l) / (n + 1 - r)
(D) p(n,r)(n + l) / (n + 1 + r)
39. A graph is non-planar if and only if it contains a subgraphhomomorphic to
(A) K3,2 or K5
(B) K3,3 and K6
(C) K3,3 or K5
(D) K2,3 and K5
40. Which of the following statements are true ?
I. A circuit that adds two bits, producing a sum bit and a carry bit is called half adder.
II. A circuit that adds two bits, producing a sum bit and a carry bit is called full adder.
III. A circuit that adds two bits and a carry bit producing a sum bit and a carry bit is called full adder.
IV. A device that accepts the value of a Boolean variable as input and produces its complement is called an inverter.
(A) I & II
(B) II & III
(D) I,III & IV
41 Active X controls are Pentium binary programs that can be embedded in ____________
(A) Word pages
(B) URL pages
(C) Script pages
(D) Web pages
42. Match the following :
List-I List - II
a. Wireless Application Environment i. HTTP
b. Wireless Transaction Protocol ii. IP
c. Wireless Datagram Protocol iii Scripts
d. Wireless iv. UDP
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) iii i iv ii
43. Which of the following is widely used inside the telephone system for long-haul data traffic ?
(C) Frame Relay
44. The document standards for EDI were first developed by large business house during the 1970s and are now under the control of the following standard organisation :
45. Electronic Data Interchange Software consists of the following four layers :
(A) Business application, Internal format conversion, Network translator, EDI envelope
(B) Business application, Internal format conversion, EDI translator, EDI envelope
(C) Application layer, Transport layer, EDI translator, EDI envelope
(D) Application layer, Transport layer, IP layer, EDI envelope
46. Consider a preemptive priority based scheduling algorithm based on dynamically changing priority.
Larger priority number implies higher priority. When the process is waiting for CPU in the ready queue
(but not yet started execution), its priority changes at a rate a = 2. When it starts running, its priority changes at a rate b = 1. All the processes are assigned priority value 0 when they enter ready queue. Assume that the following processes want to execute :
Process Arrival Service
ID Time Time
PI 0 4
P2 1 1
P3 2 2
P4 3 1
The time quantum q = 1. When two processes want to join ready queue simultaneously, the process which has not executed recently is given priority. The finish time of processes PI, P2, P3 and P4 will respectively be
(A) 4, 5, 7 and 8
(B) 8, 2, 7 and 5
(C) 2, 5, 7 and 8
(D) 8, 2, 5 and 7
47. The virtual address generated by a CPU is 32 bits. The Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB) can hold
total 64 page table entries and a 4-way set associative (i.e. with 4- cache lines in the set). The page size
is 4 KB. The minimum size of TLB tag is
(A) 12 bits
(B) 15 bits
(C) 16 bits
(D) 20 bits
48. Consider a disk queue with request for input/output to block on cylinders
98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67
in that order. Assume that disk head is initially positioned at cylinder 53 and moving towards cylinder number 0. The total number of head movements using Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) and SCAN algorithms are respectively
(A) 236 and 252 cylinders
(B) 640 and 236 cylinders
(C) 235 and 640 cylinders
(D) 235 and 252 cylinders
If we solve it we get SSTF- 236 but when SCAN doesn't move 252 cylinder.
49. How much space will be required to store the bit map of a 1.3 GB disk with 512 bytes block size ?
(A) 332.8 KB
(B) 83.6 KB
(C) 266.2 KB
(D) 256.6 KB
50. Linux operating system uses
(A) Affinity Scheduling
(B) Fair Preemptive Scheduling
(C) Hand Shaking
(D) Highest Penalty Ratio Next
(A) Piggy packing
(B) Piggy backing
(C) Back packing
(D) Good packing
2. Encryption and Decryption is the responsibility of Layer.
(A) Physical
(B) Network
(C) Application
(D) Datalink
3. An analog signal carries 4 bits in each signal unit. If 1000 signal units are sent per second, then baud rate and bit rate of the signal are and
(A) 4000 bauds \ sec & 1000 bps
(B) 2000 bauds \ sec & 1000 bps
(C) 1000 bauds \ sec & 500 bps
(D) 1000 bauds \ sec & 4000 bps
4. The VLF and LF bauds use propagation for communication.
(A) Ground
(B) Sky
(C) Line of sight
(D) Space
5. Using the RSA public key crypto system, if p = 13, q = 31 and d = 7, then the value of e is
(A) 101
(B) 103
(C) 105
(D) 107
6. FAN IN of a component A is defined as
(A) Number of components that can call or pass control to component A.
(B) Number of components that are called by component A.
(C) Number of components related to component A.
(D) Number of components dependent on component A.
7. The relationship of data elements in a module is called
(A) Coupling
(B) Modularity
(C) Cohesion
(D) Granularity
8. Software Configuration Management is the discipline for systematically controlling
(A) the changes due to the evolution of work products as the project proceeds.
(B) the changes due to defects (bugs) being found and then fixed.
(C) the changes due to requirement changes
(D) all of the above
9. Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering ?
(A) Requirement elicitation
(B) Requirement analysts
(C) Requirement design
(D) Requirement documentation
10. Testing of software with actual data and in actual environment is called
(A) Alpha testing
(B) Beta testing
(C) Regression testing
(D) None of the above
11. The student marks should not be greater than 100. This is
(A) Integrity constraint(B) Referential constraint
(C) Over-defined constraint
(D) Feasible constraint
12. GO BOTTOM and SKTP-3 commands are given one after another in a database file of 30 records. It shifts the control to
(A) 28th record
(B) 27th record
(C) 3rd record
(D) 4th record
13. An ER Model includes
I. An ER diagram portraying entity types.
II. Attributes for each entity type
III. Relationships among entity types.
IV. Semantic integrity constraints that reflects the business rules about data not captured in the ER diagram.
(A) I, II, III & IV
(B) I&IV
(C) I, II & IV
(D) I & III
14. Based on the cardinality ratio and participation associated with a relationship type, choose either the Foreign Key Design, the Cross Referencing Design or Mutual Referencing Design.
(A) Entity
(B) Constraints
(C) Rules
(D) Keys
15. Data Integrity control uses
(A) Upper and lower limits on numeric data.
(B) Passwords to prohibit unauthorised access to files.
(C) Data dictionary to keep the data
(D) Data dictionary to find last access of data
16. What does the following declaration mean ?
int (*ptr) [10];
(A) ptr is an array of pointers of 10 integers.
(B) ptr is a pointer to an array of 10 integers.
(C) ptr is an array of 10 integers.
(D) none of the above.
17. Which of the following has compilation error in C ?
(A) int n = 32 ;
(B) char ch = 65 ;
(C) float f= (float) 3.2;
(D) none of the above
18. Which of the following operators can not be overloaded in C+ + ?
(A) *
(B) + =
(C) = =
(D) ::
19. allows to create classes which are derived from other classes, so that they automatically include some of its "parent's" members, plus its own members.
(A) Overloading
(B) Inheritance
(C) Polymorphism
(D) Encapsulation
20. The correct way to round off a floating number x to an integer value is
(A) y = (int)(x + 0.5)
(B) y = int (x + 0.5)
(C) y = (int)x+ 0.5
(D) y = (int)((int)x + 0.5)
21. What is the value of the postfix expression ?
a b c d + - * (where a = 8, b = 4, c = 2 and d = 5)
(A) -3/8
(B) -8/3
(C) 24
(D) -24
22. If the queue is implemented with a linked list, keeping track of a front pointer and a rear pointer, which of these pointers will change during an insertion into a non-empty queue ?
(A) Neither of the pointers change
(B) Only front pointer changes
(C) Only rear pointer changes
(D) Both of the pointers changes
23. _________ is often used to prove the correctness of a recursive function.
(A) Diagonaliization
(B) Communitivity
(C) Mathematical Induction
(D) Matrix Multiplication
24. For any B-tree of minimum degree t > 2, every node other than the root must have atleast _________ keys and every node can have at, most ________ keys.
(A) t-1,2t+1
(B) t+1,2t+1
(C) t-1,2t-1
(D) t+1,2t-1
25. Given two sorted list of size 'm' and 'n' respectively. The number of comparison needed in the worst case
by the merge sort algorithm will be
(A) m x n
(B) max (m, n)
(C) min (m, n)
(D) m + n - 1
26. Given the following statements :
S1 : SLR uses follow information to guide reductions. In case of LR and LALR parsers, the look-aheads are associated with the items and they make use of the left context available to the parser.
S2 : LR grammar is a larger subclass of context free grammar as compared to that SLR and LALR grammars.
Which of the following is true ?
(A) S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
(C) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(D) S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
27. The context free grammar for the language
(A) S→aaaA; A→aAb|B, B→Bb | λ,
(B) S → aaaA|λ, A ->aAb | B, B→ Bb|λ
(C) S→aaaA | aa A |λ , A ->aAb | B|λ, B→ Bb|λ
(D) S→aaaA | aa A | aA |λ , A → aAb | B, B→ Bb | λ
28. Given the following statements :
S1 : If L is a regular language then the language {uv | u Є L, v Є LR} is also regular.
S2 : L = {wwR }is regular language.
Which of the following is true ?
(A) S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
(C) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(D) S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
29. The process of assigning load addresses to the various parts of the program and adjusting the code and data in the program to reflect the assigned addresses is called ____________
(A) Symbol resolution
(B) Parsing
(C) Assembly
(D) Relocation
30. Which of the following derivations does a top-down parser use while parsing an input string ? The input is scanned from left to right.
(A) Leftmost derivation
(B) Leftmost derivation traced out in reverse
(C) Rightmost derivation traced out in reverse
(D) Rightmost derivation
31. The dual of a Boolean expression is obtained by interchanging
(A) Boolean sums and Boolean products
(B) Boolean sums and Boolean products or interchanging 0's and 1 's
(C) Boolean sums and Boolean products and interchanging 0's & 1's
(D) Interchanging 0's and 1's
32. Given that (292) 10 = (1204)x in some number system x. The base x of that number system is
(A) 2
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) None of the above
32. Given that (292) 10 = (1204)x in some number system x. The base x of that number system is
(A) 2
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) None of the above
34. Let P(m, n) be the statement
"m divides n" where the universe of discourse for both the variables is the set of
positive integer.Determine the truth values of each of the following propositions:
I: VmVnP(m,n),
II. ÆŽmVn P(m, n)
(A) Both I and II are true
(B) Both I and II are false
(C) I - false & II - true
(D) I - true & II - false
35. Big - 0 estimate for
f(x) = (x + 1) log(x^2 + 1) + 3x^2 is given as
(A) O(xlogx)
(B) O(x^2)
(C) O(x^3)
(D) O(x^2 logx)
36. How many edges are there in a forest of t-trees containing a total of n vertices ?
(A) n+1
(B) n-t
(C) n*t
(D) nt
37. Let f and g be the functions from the set of integers to the set integers defined by
f(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = 3x + 2
Then the composition of f and g and g and f is given as
(A) 6x + 7, 6x + 11
(B) 6x + 11, 6x + 7
(C) 5x + 5, 5x + 5
(D) None of the above
Composition of f and g is gof = g(f(x))
38. If n and r are non-negative integers and n > r, then p(n + 1, r) equals to
(A) P(n,r)(n + 1) / (n + 1 - r)
(B) P(n,r)(n+1) / (n - 1 + r)
(C) p(n,r)(n-l) / (n + 1 - r)
(D) p(n,r)(n + l) / (n + 1 + r)
39. A graph is non-planar if and only if it contains a subgraphhomomorphic to
(A) K3,2 or K5
(B) K3,3 and K6
(C) K3,3 or K5
(D) K2,3 and K5
40. Which of the following statements are true ?
I. A circuit that adds two bits, producing a sum bit and a carry bit is called half adder.
II. A circuit that adds two bits, producing a sum bit and a carry bit is called full adder.
III. A circuit that adds two bits and a carry bit producing a sum bit and a carry bit is called full adder.
IV. A device that accepts the value of a Boolean variable as input and produces its complement is called an inverter.
(A) I & II
(B) II & III
(D) I,III & IV
41 Active X controls are Pentium binary programs that can be embedded in ____________
(A) Word pages
(B) URL pages
(C) Script pages
(D) Web pages
42. Match the following :
List-I List - II
a. Wireless Application Environment i. HTTP
b. Wireless Transaction Protocol ii. IP
c. Wireless Datagram Protocol iii Scripts
d. Wireless iv. UDP
Codes :
a b c d
(A) ii iv i iii
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) iv iii i ii
(D) iii i iv ii
43. Which of the following is widely used inside the telephone system for long-haul data traffic ?
(C) Frame Relay
44. The document standards for EDI were first developed by large business house during the 1970s and are now under the control of the following standard organisation :
45. Electronic Data Interchange Software consists of the following four layers :
(A) Business application, Internal format conversion, Network translator, EDI envelope
(B) Business application, Internal format conversion, EDI translator, EDI envelope
(C) Application layer, Transport layer, EDI translator, EDI envelope
(D) Application layer, Transport layer, IP layer, EDI envelope
46. Consider a preemptive priority based scheduling algorithm based on dynamically changing priority.
Larger priority number implies higher priority. When the process is waiting for CPU in the ready queue
(but not yet started execution), its priority changes at a rate a = 2. When it starts running, its priority changes at a rate b = 1. All the processes are assigned priority value 0 when they enter ready queue. Assume that the following processes want to execute :
Process Arrival Service
ID Time Time
PI 0 4
P2 1 1
P3 2 2
P4 3 1
The time quantum q = 1. When two processes want to join ready queue simultaneously, the process which has not executed recently is given priority. The finish time of processes PI, P2, P3 and P4 will respectively be
(A) 4, 5, 7 and 8
(B) 8, 2, 7 and 5
(C) 2, 5, 7 and 8
(D) 8, 2, 5 and 7
47. The virtual address generated by a CPU is 32 bits. The Translation Look-aside Buffer (TLB) can hold
total 64 page table entries and a 4-way set associative (i.e. with 4- cache lines in the set). The page size
is 4 KB. The minimum size of TLB tag is
(A) 12 bits
(B) 15 bits
(C) 16 bits
(D) 20 bits
48. Consider a disk queue with request for input/output to block on cylinders
98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67
in that order. Assume that disk head is initially positioned at cylinder 53 and moving towards cylinder number 0. The total number of head movements using Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) and SCAN algorithms are respectively
(A) 236 and 252 cylinders
(B) 640 and 236 cylinders
(C) 235 and 640 cylinders
(D) 235 and 252 cylinders
If we solve it we get SSTF- 236 but when SCAN doesn't move 252 cylinder.
49. How much space will be required to store the bit map of a 1.3 GB disk with 512 bytes block size ?
(A) 332.8 KB
(B) 83.6 KB
(C) 266.2 KB
(D) 256.6 KB
50. Linux operating system uses
(A) Affinity Scheduling
(B) Fair Preemptive Scheduling
(C) Hand Shaking
(D) Highest Penalty Ratio Next
1. If the
primal Linear Programming problem has unbounded solution,then it’s dual problem
will have
(A) feasible solution
(B) alternative solution
(C) no feasible solution at all
(D) no bounded solution at all
2. Given the problem to maximize f(x),X=(x1,x2,...xn) subject to m number of inequity constraints
Including the non-negativity constraints x>= 0.
Which one of the following conditions is a Kuhn-Tucker necessary condition for a local maxima at x?
(A) L(X,λ,S) / Xj = 0,j = 1,2,...m
(B) λ[gi(X)-bi]=0,j = 1,2,...m
(C) gi(X)<=bi, i = 1,2...m
(D) All of the above
Ans (D)
3. The following linear programming problem has
Max Z = x1 + x2
Subject to
x1 - x2 >= 0
3x1 - x2 <= -3
x1 >= 0,x2 >= 0
(A) Feasible solution
(B) No feasible solution
(C) Unbounded solution
(D) Single point as solution
Ans (B)
4. Given a flow graph with 10 nodes. 13 edges and one connected components, the number of regions and the number of predicate(decision) nodes in the flow graph will be
(A) 4,5
(B) 5,4
(C) 3,1
(D) 13,8
5. Function points can be calculated by
(C) UFP*Cost
(D) UFP*Productivity
UFP is Unadjusted Function Point
CAF is Complixity Adjustment Factor Function Point FP = UFP*CAF
6. Match the following:
List-I List-II
a. Data coupling i. Module A and Module B have shared data
b. Stampcoupling ii. Dependency between modules is based on the fact they communicate by only passing of data.
c. Common coupling iii. When complete data structure is passed from one module to another.
d. Content coupling iv.When the control is passed from one module to the middle of another.
a b c d
(A) iii ii i iv
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iii ii iv i
7. A process which defines a series of tasks that have the following four primary objectives is known as
1. to identify all items that collectively defines the software configuration.
2. to manage changes to one or more of these items.
3. to facilitate the construction of different versions of an application.
4. to ensure that software quality is maintained as the configuration evolves over time.
(A) Software Quality Management Process
(B) Software Configuration Management Process
(C) Software Version Management Process
(D) Software Change Management Process
8. One weakness of boundary value analysis and equivalent partitioning is
(A) they are not effective.
(B) they do not explore combinations of input circumstances.
(C) they explore combinations of input circumstances
(D) none of the above
9. Which one of the following is not a software myth?
(A) Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done.
(B) Project requirement continually change, but change can be easily accommodated because software is flexible.
(C) If we get behind schedule, we can add more programmers and catch up.
(D) If an organization does not understand how to control software project internally, it will invariably struggle when it outsources software projects.
10. Match the following with respect to relationship between objects and classes:
List-I List-II
a. State diagram i. Useful for both abstract modeling and for designing actual program.
b. Object diagram ii. Describes object classes.
c. Class diagram iii. Useful for documenting test cases.
d. Instance diagram iv. Describing the behavior of a single class of object.
a b c d
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) ii iii iv i
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) ii iv i iii
11. Match the following style rules for reusability:
List-I List-II
a. Keep methods coherent i. Write a method to get the last element of a list.
b. Keep methods small ii. Maintain parallel structure when possible.
c. Keep methods consistent iii. Breaking a method into smaller parts.
d. Provide uniform coverage iv. Perform a single function or a group of closely related function.
a b c d
(A) iv iii ii i
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) ii iii iv i
12. Which is the protocol for performing RPCs between applications in a language and system independent way?
(A) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol (HTTP)
(B) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
(C) Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
(D) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
13. The document that is used by XSLT to indicate, how to transform the element of the XML document to another format is
(A) HTML page
(B) DOC type procedure
(C) Style sheet
(D) Store procedure
14. Which of the following concepts means adding new concept to a program as it runs?
(A) Data hiding
(B) Dynamic loading
(C) Dynamic typing
(D) Dynamic binding
15. Which of the following correctly describes overloading of functions?
(A) Virtual polymorphism
(B) Transient polymorphism
(C) Ad-hoc polymorphism
(D) Pseudo polymorphism
16. Match the following with respect to programming languages:
List-I List-II
a. Structured Language i. JAVA
b. Non-structured Language ii. BASIC
c. Object oriented Programming Language iii. PASCAL
d. Interpreted Programming Language iv. FORTRAN
a b c d
(A) iii iv i ii
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) ii iv i iii
(D) ii iii iv i
17. The compiler converts all operands upto the type of the largest operand is called
(A) Type Promotion
(B) Type Evaluation
(C) Type Conversion
(D) Type Declaration
18. C++ actually support the following two complete dynamic system
(A) one defined by C++ and the other not defined by C.
(B) one defined by C and one specific to C++.
(C) Both are specific to C++
(D) Both of them are improvements of C.
This question is incomplete. Here word "allocation" is missing.
19. Important advantage of using new and delete operation in C++ is
(A) Allocation of memory
(B) Frees the memory previously allocated
(C) Initialization of memory easily
(D) Allocation of memory and frees the memory previously allocated.
ANS- (D)
20. Match the following control strategies of prolog:
List-I List-II
a. Forward movement i. Variable can be done with a constant, another variable or a function
b. Unification ii. The entire conjunctive goal is executed.
c. Deep backtracking iii. Previous sub goal to find alternative solutions.
d. Shallow backtracking iv. Choose sub goal with possible unifier.
a b c d
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) ii iv i iii
(C) iii i iv ii
(D) ii iii iv i
21. Given the following statements.
S1 : The grammars S ->asb | bsa | ss | a and S ->asb | bsa | a are not equivalent
S2: The grammars S ->ss | sss | asb | bsa | λ and S->ss | asb | bsa | λ are equvalent
Which one of the following is true?
(A) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) Both S1 & S2 are correct
(C) S1 is not correct & S2 is correct
(D) Both S1 & S2 are not correct
Ans (B)
22. What are the final value of Q1 and Q0 after 4 clock cycles, if initial values are 00 in the sequential circuit shown below
(A) 11
(B) 10
(C) 01
(D) 00
23. High level knowledge which relates to the use of sentences in different contexts and how the context affect the meaning of the sentences?
(A) Morphological
(B) Syntactic
(C) Semantic
(D) Pragmatic
24. The objective of ___________ procedure is to discover at least one ________ that causes two literals to match
(A) unification, validation
(B) unification, substitution
(C) substitution, unification
(D) minimax, maximax
25. If h* represents an estimate of the cost of getting from the current node N to the goal and h represents actual cost of getting from current node to the goal node, then A* algorithm gives an optimal solution if
(A) h* us equal to h
(B) h* overestimates h
(C) h* underestimates h
(D) none of these
ANS- (C)
26. The mean-end analysis process centersaround the detection of difference between the current state and the goal state. Once such a difference is isolated, an operator that can reduce the difference must be found. But perhaps that operator can not be applied to the current state. So a sub-problem of getting to a state in which it can be applied is set up. The kind of backward chaining in which operators are selected and then sub goals are set up to established the precondition of operators is called
(A) backward planning
(B) goal stack planning
(C) operator subgoaling
(D) operator overloading
27. In alpha-beta pruning, ______ is used to cut off the search at maximizing level only and _______ is used to cut off the search at minimizing level only.
(A) alpha,beta
(B) beta,alpha
(C) alpha,alpha
(D) beta,beta
28. If A and B are two fuzzy sets with membership functions
µA(X) ={0.2,0.5,0.6,0.1,0.9}
then the value of µA^B will be
(A) {0.2,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.9}
(B) {0.2,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.8}
(C) {0.1,0.5,0.6,0.1,0.8}
(D) {0.1,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.9}
Ans (D)
29. The height of h(A) of a fuzzy set A is defined as
h(A) = sup A(X)
The the fuzzy set A is called normal when
(A) h(A) = 0
(B) h(A) < 0
(C) h(A) = 1
(D) h(A) < 1
Ans (C)
30. An artificial neurons received n inputs x1,x2,...,xn with weights w1,w2,...,wn attached to the input links. The weighted sum _______ is computed to be passed on to a non-linear filter φ called activation function to release the output.
(A) Σ wi
(B) Σ xi
(C) Σ wi + Σ xi
(D) Σ wi . Σ xi
Ans (D)
31. Consider the formula in image processing
Rd = 1 - (1/Cr) where Cr = N1 / N2
Cr is called as compression ration N1 and N2 denotes the number of information
Carrying units into two data sets that represents the same information. In this situation Rd is called as relative ______ of the first data set
(A) Data compression
(B) Data redundancy
(C) Data Relation
(D) Data representation
Ans (D)
32. Find the false statement:
(A) In Modern Cryptography symmetric key algorithms use same key
both for Encryption and Decryption.
(B) The Symmetric cipher DES(Data Encryption Standard) was widely
used in the industry for security product.
(C) The AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) cryptosystem allows variable
Key lengths of size 56 bits and 124 bits.
(D)Public key algorithms use two different keys for Encryption and Decryption.
33. The message 11001001 is to be transmitted using the CRC
Polynomial x3+1 to protect it from errors. The message that should be
Transmitted is
(A) 110010011001
(B) 11001001
(C) 110010011001001
(D) 11001001011
34. _____________ comparisons are necessary in the worst case to
find both the maximum and minimum of n numbers.
(A) 2n-2
(B) n + floor(lg n) - 2
(C) floor(3n/2) - 2
(D)2 lg n – 2
35. Let A and B be two n x n matrices. The efficient algorithm to
Multiply the two matrices has the time complexity
(A) O(n3)
(B) O(n2.81)
(C) O(n2.67)
(D) O(n2)
36. The recurrence relation T(n)=mT(n/2)tan2 is satisfied by
(A) O(n2)
(B) O(nlg m)
(C) O(n2 lg n)
(D) O(n lg n)
This is wrong question.If in this question 'tan' is replaced by '+a'
then the solution is (B)
37. The longest common subsequence of the sequence
X=<A,B,C,B,D,A,B> and Y=<B,D,C,A,B,A> has length
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
38. Assuming there are n keys and each keys is in the range [0,m-1]
The run time of bucket sort is
(A) O(n)
(B) O(n lgn)
(C) O(n lgm)
(D) O(n+m)
39. A __________ complete subgraph and a________
subset of vertices of a graph G=(V,E) are a clique and a vertex
cover respectively.
(A) minimal, maximal
(B) minimal, minimal
(C) maximal, maximal
(D) maximal, minimal
40. Pumping lemma of the context-free languages states:
Let L be an infinite context free language . Then there exist some positive integer m such that w ξ L with |w|>=m can be decomposed as
w=uvxy Z with |vxy| ________________ and |vy| _______ such that uv2xy2 Z ξ L for all Z = 0,1,2,...
(A) <= m, <=1
(B) <=m, >= 1
(C) >=m, <=1
(D) >=m, >=1
Ans (B)
42. Given the following statements:
S1: Every context-sensitive language L is recursive.
S2: There exists a recursive language that is not context sensitive.
Which statement is correct?
(A) S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
(C) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(D) S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
42. Given the following statements:
S1: Every context-sensitive language L is recursive.
S2: There exists a recursive language that is not context sensitive.
Which statement is correct?
(A) S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
(C) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(D) S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
43. What is the bit rate for transmitting uncompressed 800x600 pixel color frames with 8 bits/pixel at 40 frames/second?
Ans. 153.6 Mbps
44. In IPv 4, the IP address belongs to
(A) Class A
(B) Class B
(C) Class C
(D) Class D
45. Which layer of OSI reference model is responsible for decomposition of message and generation of sequence numbers to ensure correct re-composition from end to end the network?
(A) Physical
(B) Data-link
(C) Transport
(D) Application
46. A client-server system uses a satellite network, with the satellite at a height of 40,000 kms. What is the best-case delay in responses to a request? (Note that the speed of light in air is 3,00,000 km/second).
(A) 133.33 m sec
(B) 266.67 m sec
(C) 400.00 m sec
(D) 533.33 m sec
47. The start and stop bits are used in serial communication for
(A) error detection
(B) error correction
(C) synchronization
(D) slowing down the communication.
48. ______________ is a type of transmission impairment in which the signal looses strength due to the resistance of the transmission medium
(A) Attenuation
(B) Distortion
(C) Noise
(D) Decibel
49. Match the following:
List-I List-II
a. Indexed Addressing i. is not used when an operand is moved from memory into a register or from a register to memory.
b. Direct Addressing ii. Memory address is computed by adding up two registers plus an (optional) offset.
c. Register Addressing iii. Addressing memory by giving a register plus a content offset.
d. Base-Indexed Addressing iv. can only be used to access global variables whose address is known at compile time.
a b c d
(A) ii i iv Iii
(B) ii iv i Iii
(C) iii iv i ii
(D) iii i iv ii
50. Which of the following is a design criteria for instruction formats?
(A) The size of instructions
(B) The numbers of bits in the address fields
(C) The sufficient space in the instruction format to express all the operations desired.
(D) All of these
51. Synchronization is achieved by a timing device called a ________ which generates a periodic train of _________.
(A) clock generator, clock pulse
(B) master generator, clock pulse
(C) generator, clock
(D) master clock generator, clock pulse
52. Serial access memories are useful in applications where
(A) Data consists of numbers
(B) Short access time is required.
(C) Each stored word is processed differently.
(D) None of these
53. What will be the output of the following logic diagram
(A) x OR y
(B) x AND y
(C) x NOR y
(D) x XNOR y
54. The essential difference between traps and interrupt is
(A) traps are asynchronous and interrupt are synchronous with the program
(B) traps are synchronous and interrupt are asynchronous with the program
(C) traps are synchronous and interrupt are asynchronous with the I/O devices.
(D) None of these.
55. Consider the following ER diagram
The minimum number of tables required to represents M,N,P,R1,R2 is
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
56. Consider the following schemas:
Branch = (Branch_name, Assets, Branch_city)
Customer = (Customer-name, Bank-name,Customer-city)
Borrow = (Branch-name, loan-number, customer-name, Balance)
Deposit = (Branch-name, Account-number, Customer-name, Balance)
Using relational Algebra, the query that finds customers who have balance
More than 10,000 is ________
(A) πcustomer-name(σbalance> 10000(Deposit))
(B) σcustomer-name(σbalance> 10000(Deposit))
(C) πcustomer-name(σbalance> 10000(Borrow))
(D)σcustomer-name(σbalance> 10000(Deposit))
57. Find the false statement:
(A) The relationship construct known as the weak relationship
type was defined by Dey, Storey & Barron (1999).
(B) A weak relationship occurs when two relationship types are
linked by either Event-Precedent sequence or Condition-Precedent
(C) Conceptual model is not accurate representation of
"Universe of interest".
(D) Ternary, Quaternary and Quintary relationships are shown
through a series of application scenario's and vignette's
58. Consider the table
Student(stuid, name, course, marks).
Which one of the following two queries is correct to find the
highest marks student in course 5?
Q.1. Select S.stuid
From student S
Where not exists
(select * from student e where
e course='5' and e marks >= s
Q.2. Select S.stu.id
From student S
Where s.marks> any
(select distinct marks from
student S where s.couse = 5)
(A) Q.1
(B) Q.2
(C) Both Q.1 and Q.2
(D) Neither Q.1 nor Q.2
59. Armstrong (1974) proposed systematic approach to derive
functional dependencies. Match the following w.r.t. functional dependencies.
a b c d
(A) iii ii iv i
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii i iii iv
(D) iv iii i ii
60. Match the following
List I List II
(a) Secondary Index (i) Functional dependency
(b) Non-procedural Query (ii) B-tree
(c) Closure set Attribute (iii) Relational Algebraic Operation
(d) Natural Join (iv) Domain Calculus
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) i ii iv iii
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) i iii iv ii
(D) ii iv i iii
61. Which of the following is not true with respect to a trackball and/or spaceball
I. A trackball is a two dimensional positioning device while as a spaceball provides six degree of freedom
II. Unlike the trackball a spaceball does not actually move.
III. A trackball is a three dimensional positioning device while as a spaceball provides six degree of freedom.
(A) I &II
(B) II & III
(C) II only
(D) III only
62. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true?
I. Two successive translations are additive.
II. Two successive rotations are additive.
III. Two successive scaling operations multiplicative.
(A) I and II
(B) I and III
(C) II and III
(D) All of above.
63. Given below are three basic rules:
I. Squash and Stretch
II. Slow-in and Slow out
III. To stage the action properly
These rules are applied in case of
(A) Rendering
(B) Morphing
(C) Animation
(D) All of above
64. Which of the following points lies on the same side as the origin, with reference to the line
3x+7y=2 ?
(A) (3,0)
(B) (1,0)
(C) (0.5,0.5)
(D) (0.5,0)
Put the value of x and y in the equation 3x+7y
if 3x+7y <2 then it lies on the same side of origin
else if 3x+7y > 2 it does not lies on the same side of origin
65. The transformation matrix required for conversion of CMY color model to RGB color model is given as
ANS- (C)
66. What step shall be required to rotate an object about the point P1 and its placement such that what was at P1 is now reduced and is at P2.
I. Translate P1 to origin
II. Scale as required
III. Rotate
IV. Translate to the final position P2.
(A) I,II and III
(B) II,III and IV
(C) I,III and IV
(D) All of the above
67. In Unix, how do you check that two given strings a and b are equal
(A) test $a -eq $b
(B) test $a -equal $b
(C) test $a=$b
(D) sh -C test $a==$b
68. In windows 2000 operating system all the processor-dependent code is isolated in a dynamic link library called
(A) NTFS file system
(B) Hardware Abstraction layer
(C) Microkernel
(D) Process Manager
69. To place a sound into a word document, following feature of windows is used
(A) Clip board
(B) Task switching
(C) C Win App
70. Translation Look-aside Buffer(TLB) is
(A) a cache-memory in which item to be searched is compared
one-by-one with the keys.
(B) a cache-memory in which item to be searched is compared
with all the keys simultaneously.
(C) an associative memory in which item to be searched is compared
one-by-one with the keys.
(D) an associative memory in which item to be searched is compared
with all the keys simultaneously.
71. Simplest way of deadlock recovery is
(A) Roll back
(B) Preempt resource
(C) Lock one of these processes
(D) Kill one of the processes
72. The directory structure used in Unix file system is called
(A) Hierarchical directory
(B) Tree structure directory
(C) Directed acyclic graph
(D) Graph structured directory
73. Which statement is not true about process 0 in the Unix operating system?
(A) Process 0 is called init process.
(B) Process 0 is not created by fork system call.
(C) After forking process 1, process 0 becomes swapper process.
(D) Process 0 is a special process created when system boots.
74. Which one of the following commands would return process_id of sleep command?
(A) Sleep 1 and echo $?
(B) Sleep 1 and echo $#
(C) Sleep 1 and echo $x
(D) Sleep 1 and echo $!
75. Possible thread states in Windows 2000 operating system include:
(A) Ready,running and waiting
(B) Ready, standby, running, waiting, transition and terminated.
(C) Ready, running, waiting, transition and terminated
(D) Standby, running, transition and terminated.
(A) feasible solution
(B) alternative solution
(C) no feasible solution at all
(D) no bounded solution at all
2. Given the problem to maximize f(x),X=(x1,x2,...xn) subject to m number of inequity constraints
Including the non-negativity constraints x>= 0.
Which one of the following conditions is a Kuhn-Tucker necessary condition for a local maxima at x?
(A) L(X,λ,S) / Xj = 0,j = 1,2,...m
(B) λ[gi(X)-bi]=0,j = 1,2,...m
(C) gi(X)<=bi, i = 1,2...m
(D) All of the above
Ans (D)
3. The following linear programming problem has
Max Z = x1 + x2
Subject to
x1 - x2 >= 0
3x1 - x2 <= -3
x1 >= 0,x2 >= 0
(A) Feasible solution
(B) No feasible solution
(C) Unbounded solution
(D) Single point as solution
Ans (B)
4. Given a flow graph with 10 nodes. 13 edges and one connected components, the number of regions and the number of predicate(decision) nodes in the flow graph will be
(A) 4,5
(B) 5,4
(C) 3,1
(D) 13,8
5. Function points can be calculated by
(C) UFP*Cost
(D) UFP*Productivity
UFP is Unadjusted Function Point
CAF is Complixity Adjustment Factor Function Point FP = UFP*CAF
6. Match the following:
List-I List-II
a. Data coupling i. Module A and Module B have shared data
b. Stampcoupling ii. Dependency between modules is based on the fact they communicate by only passing of data.
c. Common coupling iii. When complete data structure is passed from one module to another.
d. Content coupling iv.When the control is passed from one module to the middle of another.
a b c d
(A) iii ii i iv
(B) ii iii i iv
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iii ii iv i
7. A process which defines a series of tasks that have the following four primary objectives is known as
1. to identify all items that collectively defines the software configuration.
2. to manage changes to one or more of these items.
3. to facilitate the construction of different versions of an application.
4. to ensure that software quality is maintained as the configuration evolves over time.
(A) Software Quality Management Process
(B) Software Configuration Management Process
(C) Software Version Management Process
(D) Software Change Management Process
8. One weakness of boundary value analysis and equivalent partitioning is
(A) they are not effective.
(B) they do not explore combinations of input circumstances.
(C) they explore combinations of input circumstances
(D) none of the above
9. Which one of the following is not a software myth?
(A) Once we write the program and get it to work, our job is done.
(B) Project requirement continually change, but change can be easily accommodated because software is flexible.
(C) If we get behind schedule, we can add more programmers and catch up.
(D) If an organization does not understand how to control software project internally, it will invariably struggle when it outsources software projects.
10. Match the following with respect to relationship between objects and classes:
List-I List-II
a. State diagram i. Useful for both abstract modeling and for designing actual program.
b. Object diagram ii. Describes object classes.
c. Class diagram iii. Useful for documenting test cases.
d. Instance diagram iv. Describing the behavior of a single class of object.
a b c d
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) ii iii iv i
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) ii iv i iii
11. Match the following style rules for reusability:
List-I List-II
a. Keep methods coherent i. Write a method to get the last element of a list.
b. Keep methods small ii. Maintain parallel structure when possible.
c. Keep methods consistent iii. Breaking a method into smaller parts.
d. Provide uniform coverage iv. Perform a single function or a group of closely related function.
a b c d
(A) iv iii ii i
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) iii iv ii i
(D) ii iii iv i
12. Which is the protocol for performing RPCs between applications in a language and system independent way?
(A) Hyper Text Transmission Protocol (HTTP)
(B) Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
(C) Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
(D) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
13. The document that is used by XSLT to indicate, how to transform the element of the XML document to another format is
(A) HTML page
(B) DOC type procedure
(C) Style sheet
(D) Store procedure
14. Which of the following concepts means adding new concept to a program as it runs?
(A) Data hiding
(B) Dynamic loading
(C) Dynamic typing
(D) Dynamic binding
15. Which of the following correctly describes overloading of functions?
(A) Virtual polymorphism
(B) Transient polymorphism
(C) Ad-hoc polymorphism
(D) Pseudo polymorphism
16. Match the following with respect to programming languages:
List-I List-II
a. Structured Language i. JAVA
b. Non-structured Language ii. BASIC
c. Object oriented Programming Language iii. PASCAL
d. Interpreted Programming Language iv. FORTRAN
a b c d
(A) iii iv i ii
(B) iv iii ii i
(C) ii iv i iii
(D) ii iii iv i
17. The compiler converts all operands upto the type of the largest operand is called
(A) Type Promotion
(B) Type Evaluation
(C) Type Conversion
(D) Type Declaration
18. C++ actually support the following two complete dynamic system
(A) one defined by C++ and the other not defined by C.
(B) one defined by C and one specific to C++.
(C) Both are specific to C++
(D) Both of them are improvements of C.
This question is incomplete. Here word "allocation" is missing.
19. Important advantage of using new and delete operation in C++ is
(A) Allocation of memory
(B) Frees the memory previously allocated
(C) Initialization of memory easily
(D) Allocation of memory and frees the memory previously allocated.
ANS- (D)
20. Match the following control strategies of prolog:
List-I List-II
a. Forward movement i. Variable can be done with a constant, another variable or a function
b. Unification ii. The entire conjunctive goal is executed.
c. Deep backtracking iii. Previous sub goal to find alternative solutions.
d. Shallow backtracking iv. Choose sub goal with possible unifier.
a b c d
(A) iv i ii iii
(B) ii iv i iii
(C) iii i iv ii
(D) ii iii iv i
21. Given the following statements.
S1 : The grammars S ->asb | bsa | ss | a and S ->asb | bsa | a are not equivalent
S2: The grammars S ->ss | sss | asb | bsa | λ and S->ss | asb | bsa | λ are equvalent
Which one of the following is true?
(A) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) Both S1 & S2 are correct
(C) S1 is not correct & S2 is correct
(D) Both S1 & S2 are not correct
Ans (B)
22. What are the final value of Q1 and Q0 after 4 clock cycles, if initial values are 00 in the sequential circuit shown below
(A) 11
(B) 10
(C) 01
(D) 00
23. High level knowledge which relates to the use of sentences in different contexts and how the context affect the meaning of the sentences?
(A) Morphological
(B) Syntactic
(C) Semantic
(D) Pragmatic
24. The objective of ___________ procedure is to discover at least one ________ that causes two literals to match
(A) unification, validation
(B) unification, substitution
(C) substitution, unification
(D) minimax, maximax
25. If h* represents an estimate of the cost of getting from the current node N to the goal and h represents actual cost of getting from current node to the goal node, then A* algorithm gives an optimal solution if
(A) h* us equal to h
(B) h* overestimates h
(C) h* underestimates h
(D) none of these
ANS- (C)
26. The mean-end analysis process centersaround the detection of difference between the current state and the goal state. Once such a difference is isolated, an operator that can reduce the difference must be found. But perhaps that operator can not be applied to the current state. So a sub-problem of getting to a state in which it can be applied is set up. The kind of backward chaining in which operators are selected and then sub goals are set up to established the precondition of operators is called
(A) backward planning
(B) goal stack planning
(C) operator subgoaling
(D) operator overloading
27. In alpha-beta pruning, ______ is used to cut off the search at maximizing level only and _______ is used to cut off the search at minimizing level only.
(A) alpha,beta
(B) beta,alpha
(C) alpha,alpha
(D) beta,beta
28. If A and B are two fuzzy sets with membership functions
µA(X) ={0.2,0.5,0.6,0.1,0.9}
then the value of µA^B will be
(A) {0.2,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.9}
(B) {0.2,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.8}
(C) {0.1,0.5,0.6,0.1,0.8}
(D) {0.1,0.5,0.2,0.1,0.9}
Ans (D)
29. The height of h(A) of a fuzzy set A is defined as
h(A) = sup A(X)
The the fuzzy set A is called normal when
(A) h(A) = 0
(B) h(A) < 0
(C) h(A) = 1
(D) h(A) < 1
Ans (C)
30. An artificial neurons received n inputs x1,x2,...,xn with weights w1,w2,...,wn attached to the input links. The weighted sum _______ is computed to be passed on to a non-linear filter φ called activation function to release the output.
(A) Σ wi
(B) Σ xi
(C) Σ wi + Σ xi
(D) Σ wi . Σ xi
Ans (D)
31. Consider the formula in image processing
Rd = 1 - (1/Cr) where Cr = N1 / N2
Cr is called as compression ration N1 and N2 denotes the number of information
Carrying units into two data sets that represents the same information. In this situation Rd is called as relative ______ of the first data set
(A) Data compression
(B) Data redundancy
(C) Data Relation
(D) Data representation
Ans (D)
32. Find the false statement:
(A) In Modern Cryptography symmetric key algorithms use same key
both for Encryption and Decryption.
(B) The Symmetric cipher DES(Data Encryption Standard) was widely
used in the industry for security product.
(C) The AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) cryptosystem allows variable
Key lengths of size 56 bits and 124 bits.
(D)Public key algorithms use two different keys for Encryption and Decryption.
33. The message 11001001 is to be transmitted using the CRC
Polynomial x3+1 to protect it from errors. The message that should be
Transmitted is
(A) 110010011001
(B) 11001001
(C) 110010011001001
(D) 11001001011
34. _____________ comparisons are necessary in the worst case to
find both the maximum and minimum of n numbers.
(A) 2n-2
(B) n + floor(lg n) - 2
(C) floor(3n/2) - 2
(D)2 lg n – 2
35. Let A and B be two n x n matrices. The efficient algorithm to
Multiply the two matrices has the time complexity
(A) O(n3)
(B) O(n2.81)
(C) O(n2.67)
(D) O(n2)
36. The recurrence relation T(n)=mT(n/2)tan2 is satisfied by
(A) O(n2)
(B) O(nlg m)
(C) O(n2 lg n)
(D) O(n lg n)
This is wrong question.If in this question 'tan' is replaced by '+a'
then the solution is (B)
37. The longest common subsequence of the sequence
X=<A,B,C,B,D,A,B> and Y=<B,D,C,A,B,A> has length
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
38. Assuming there are n keys and each keys is in the range [0,m-1]
The run time of bucket sort is
(A) O(n)
(B) O(n lgn)
(C) O(n lgm)
(D) O(n+m)
39. A __________ complete subgraph and a________
subset of vertices of a graph G=(V,E) are a clique and a vertex
cover respectively.
(A) minimal, maximal
(B) minimal, minimal
(C) maximal, maximal
(D) maximal, minimal
40. Pumping lemma of the context-free languages states:
Let L be an infinite context free language . Then there exist some positive integer m such that w ξ L with |w|>=m can be decomposed as
w=uvxy Z with |vxy| ________________ and |vy| _______ such that uv2xy2 Z ξ L for all Z = 0,1,2,...
(A) <= m, <=1
(B) <=m, >= 1
(C) >=m, <=1
(D) >=m, >=1
Ans (B)
42. Given the following statements:
S1: Every context-sensitive language L is recursive.
S2: There exists a recursive language that is not context sensitive.
Which statement is correct?
(A) S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
(C) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(D) S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
42. Given the following statements:
S1: Every context-sensitive language L is recursive.
S2: There exists a recursive language that is not context sensitive.
Which statement is correct?
(A) S1 is not correct and S2 is not correct.
(B) S1 is not correct and S2 is correct.
(C) S1 is correct and S2 is not correct.
(D) S1 is correct and S2 is correct.
43. What is the bit rate for transmitting uncompressed 800x600 pixel color frames with 8 bits/pixel at 40 frames/second?
Ans. 153.6 Mbps
44. In IPv 4, the IP address belongs to
(A) Class A
(B) Class B
(C) Class C
(D) Class D
45. Which layer of OSI reference model is responsible for decomposition of message and generation of sequence numbers to ensure correct re-composition from end to end the network?
(A) Physical
(B) Data-link
(C) Transport
(D) Application
46. A client-server system uses a satellite network, with the satellite at a height of 40,000 kms. What is the best-case delay in responses to a request? (Note that the speed of light in air is 3,00,000 km/second).
(A) 133.33 m sec
(B) 266.67 m sec
(C) 400.00 m sec
(D) 533.33 m sec
47. The start and stop bits are used in serial communication for
(A) error detection
(B) error correction
(C) synchronization
(D) slowing down the communication.
48. ______________ is a type of transmission impairment in which the signal looses strength due to the resistance of the transmission medium
(A) Attenuation
(B) Distortion
(C) Noise
(D) Decibel
49. Match the following:
List-I List-II
a. Indexed Addressing i. is not used when an operand is moved from memory into a register or from a register to memory.
b. Direct Addressing ii. Memory address is computed by adding up two registers plus an (optional) offset.
c. Register Addressing iii. Addressing memory by giving a register plus a content offset.
d. Base-Indexed Addressing iv. can only be used to access global variables whose address is known at compile time.
a b c d
(A) ii i iv Iii
(B) ii iv i Iii
(C) iii iv i ii
(D) iii i iv ii
50. Which of the following is a design criteria for instruction formats?
(A) The size of instructions
(B) The numbers of bits in the address fields
(C) The sufficient space in the instruction format to express all the operations desired.
(D) All of these
51. Synchronization is achieved by a timing device called a ________ which generates a periodic train of _________.
(A) clock generator, clock pulse
(B) master generator, clock pulse
(C) generator, clock
(D) master clock generator, clock pulse
52. Serial access memories are useful in applications where
(A) Data consists of numbers
(B) Short access time is required.
(C) Each stored word is processed differently.
(D) None of these
53. What will be the output of the following logic diagram
(A) x OR y
(B) x AND y
(C) x NOR y
(D) x XNOR y
54. The essential difference between traps and interrupt is
(A) traps are asynchronous and interrupt are synchronous with the program
(B) traps are synchronous and interrupt are asynchronous with the program
(C) traps are synchronous and interrupt are asynchronous with the I/O devices.
(D) None of these.
55. Consider the following ER diagram
The minimum number of tables required to represents M,N,P,R1,R2 is
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
56. Consider the following schemas:
Branch = (Branch_name, Assets, Branch_city)
Customer = (Customer-name, Bank-name,Customer-city)
Borrow = (Branch-name, loan-number, customer-name, Balance)
Deposit = (Branch-name, Account-number, Customer-name, Balance)
Using relational Algebra, the query that finds customers who have balance
More than 10,000 is ________
(A) πcustomer-name(σbalance> 10000(Deposit))
(B) σcustomer-name(σbalance> 10000(Deposit))
(C) πcustomer-name(σbalance> 10000(Borrow))
(D)σcustomer-name(σbalance> 10000(Deposit))
57. Find the false statement:
(A) The relationship construct known as the weak relationship
type was defined by Dey, Storey & Barron (1999).
(B) A weak relationship occurs when two relationship types are
linked by either Event-Precedent sequence or Condition-Precedent
(C) Conceptual model is not accurate representation of
"Universe of interest".
(D) Ternary, Quaternary and Quintary relationships are shown
through a series of application scenario's and vignette's
58. Consider the table
Student(stuid, name, course, marks).
Which one of the following two queries is correct to find the
highest marks student in course 5?
Q.1. Select S.stuid
From student S
Where not exists
(select * from student e where
e course='5' and e marks >= s
Q.2. Select S.stu.id
From student S
Where s.marks> any
(select distinct marks from
student S where s.couse = 5)
(A) Q.1
(B) Q.2
(C) Both Q.1 and Q.2
(D) Neither Q.1 nor Q.2
59. Armstrong (1974) proposed systematic approach to derive
functional dependencies. Match the following w.r.t. functional dependencies.
a b c d
(A) iii ii iv i
(B) i iii iv ii
(C) ii i iii iv
(D) iv iii i ii
60. Match the following
List I List II
(a) Secondary Index (i) Functional dependency
(b) Non-procedural Query (ii) B-tree
(c) Closure set Attribute (iii) Relational Algebraic Operation
(d) Natural Join (iv) Domain Calculus
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) i ii iv iii
(B) ii i iv iii
(C) i iii iv ii
(D) ii iv i iii
61. Which of the following is not true with respect to a trackball and/or spaceball
I. A trackball is a two dimensional positioning device while as a spaceball provides six degree of freedom
II. Unlike the trackball a spaceball does not actually move.
III. A trackball is a three dimensional positioning device while as a spaceball provides six degree of freedom.
(A) I &II
(B) II & III
(C) II only
(D) III only
62. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true?
I. Two successive translations are additive.
II. Two successive rotations are additive.
III. Two successive scaling operations multiplicative.
(A) I and II
(B) I and III
(C) II and III
(D) All of above.
63. Given below are three basic rules:
I. Squash and Stretch
II. Slow-in and Slow out
III. To stage the action properly
These rules are applied in case of
(A) Rendering
(B) Morphing
(C) Animation
(D) All of above
64. Which of the following points lies on the same side as the origin, with reference to the line
3x+7y=2 ?
(A) (3,0)
(B) (1,0)
(C) (0.5,0.5)
(D) (0.5,0)
Put the value of x and y in the equation 3x+7y
if 3x+7y <2 then it lies on the same side of origin
else if 3x+7y > 2 it does not lies on the same side of origin
65. The transformation matrix required for conversion of CMY color model to RGB color model is given as
ANS- (C)
66. What step shall be required to rotate an object about the point P1 and its placement such that what was at P1 is now reduced and is at P2.
I. Translate P1 to origin
II. Scale as required
III. Rotate
IV. Translate to the final position P2.
(A) I,II and III
(B) II,III and IV
(C) I,III and IV
(D) All of the above
67. In Unix, how do you check that two given strings a and b are equal
(A) test $a -eq $b
(B) test $a -equal $b
(C) test $a=$b
(D) sh -C test $a==$b
68. In windows 2000 operating system all the processor-dependent code is isolated in a dynamic link library called
(A) NTFS file system
(B) Hardware Abstraction layer
(C) Microkernel
(D) Process Manager
69. To place a sound into a word document, following feature of windows is used
(A) Clip board
(B) Task switching
(C) C Win App
70. Translation Look-aside Buffer(TLB) is
(A) a cache-memory in which item to be searched is compared
one-by-one with the keys.
(B) a cache-memory in which item to be searched is compared
with all the keys simultaneously.
(C) an associative memory in which item to be searched is compared
one-by-one with the keys.
(D) an associative memory in which item to be searched is compared
with all the keys simultaneously.
71. Simplest way of deadlock recovery is
(A) Roll back
(B) Preempt resource
(C) Lock one of these processes
(D) Kill one of the processes
72. The directory structure used in Unix file system is called
(A) Hierarchical directory
(B) Tree structure directory
(C) Directed acyclic graph
(D) Graph structured directory
73. Which statement is not true about process 0 in the Unix operating system?
(A) Process 0 is called init process.
(B) Process 0 is not created by fork system call.
(C) After forking process 1, process 0 becomes swapper process.
(D) Process 0 is a special process created when system boots.
74. Which one of the following commands would return process_id of sleep command?
(A) Sleep 1 and echo $?
(B) Sleep 1 and echo $#
(C) Sleep 1 and echo $x
(D) Sleep 1 and echo $!
75. Possible thread states in Windows 2000 operating system include:
(A) Ready,running and waiting
(B) Ready, standby, running, waiting, transition and terminated.
(C) Ready, running, waiting, transition and terminated
(D) Standby, running, transition and terminated.
1. A 2MB PCM(pulse code
modulation) has
a) 32 channels
b) 30 voice channels & 1
signaling channel.
c) 31 voice channels & 1
signaling channel.
d) 32 channels out of which 30
voice channels, 1 signaling channel,
& 1 Synchronization channel.
Ans: (c)
2. Time taken for 1 satellite hop
in voice communication is
a) 1/2 second
b) 1 seconds
c) 4 seconds
d) 2 seconds
Ans: (a)
3. Max number of satellite hops
allowed in voice communication is :
a) only one
b) more than one
c) two hops
d) four hops
Ans: (c)
4. What is the max.decimal number
that can be accommodate in a byte.
a) 128
b) 256
c) 255
d) 512
Ans: (c)
5. Conditional results after
execution of an instruction in a micro processor
is stored in
a) register
b) accumulator
c) flag register
d) flag register part of
PSW(Program Status Word)
Ans: (d)
6. Frequency at which VOICE is
sampled is
a) 4 Khz
b) 8 Khz
c) 16 Khz
d) 64 Khz
Ans: (a)
7. Line of Sight is
a) Straight Line
b) Parabolic
c) Tx& Rx should be visible
to each other
d) none
Ans: (c)
8. Purpose of PC (Program
Counter) in a Micro Processor is
a) To store address of TOS (Top
of Stack)
b) To store address of next
instruction to be executed.
c) Count the number of
d) To store base address of the
Ans: (b)
9. What action is taken when the
processor under execution is interrupted by
a non-mask able interrupt?
a) Processor serves the interrupt
request after completing the execution of the
current instruction.
b) Processor serves the interrupt
request after completing the current task.
c) Processor serves the interrupt
request immediately.
d) Processor serving the interrupt
request depends upon the priority of the current
task under execution.
Ans: (a)
10. The status of the Kernel is
a) task
b) process
c) not defined.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (b)
11. To send a data packet using
datagram, connection will be established
a) before data transmission.
b) Connection is not established
before data transmission.
c) No connection is required.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (c)
12. Word alignment is
a) aligning the address to the
next word boundary of the machine.
b) Aligning to even boundary.
c) Aligning to word boundary.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (a)
13. When a 'C' function call is
made, the order in which parameters passed to the function are pushed into the
stack is
a) left to right
b) right to left
c) bigger variables are moved
first than the smaller variables.
d) Smaller variables are moved
first than the bigger ones.
e) None of the above.
Ans: (b)
14. What is the type of signaling
used between two exchanges?
a) inband
b) common channel signaling
c) any of the above
d) none of the above.
Ans: (a)
15.Buffering is
a) the process of temporarily
storing the data to allow for small variation in device speeds
b) a method to reduce cross talks
c) storage of data within
transmitting medium until the receiver is ready
to receive.
d) a method to reduce routing
Ans: (a)
16. Memory allocation of
variables declared in a program is
a) allocated in RAM.
b) Allocated in ROM.
c) allocated on stack.
d) Assigned to registers.
Ans: (c)
17. A software that allows a
personal computer to pretend as a computer terminal is
a) terminal adapter
b) bulletin board
c) modem
d) terminal emulation
Ans: (d)
18. Find the output of the
following program
int *p,*q;
p=(int *)1000;
q=(int *)2000;
Ans: 500
19. Which addressing mode is used
in the following statements:
(a) MVI B, 55
(b) MOV B,A
(c) MOV M,A
Ans. (a) immediate addressing
(b) Register Addressing Mode
(c) Direct addressing mode
20. RS-232C standard is used in
Ans. Serial I/O
21. Memory. Management in
Operating Systems is done by
a) Memory Management Unit
b) Memory management software of
the Operating System
c) Kernel
Ans: (b)
22. What is done for a Push
Ans: SP is decremented and then
the value is stored.
23. Binary equivalent of 52
Ans. 110100
24. Hexadecimal equivalent of 3452
Ans. 72A
25. Explain Just In Time Concept?
Ans. Elimination of waste by purchasing
manufacturing exactly when needed
26. A good way of unit testing
s/w program is
Ans. User test
27. OOT uses
Ans. Encapsulated of detect methods
28.EDI useful in
Ans. Electronic Transmission
29. MRPII different from MRP
Ans. Modular version of man redundant initials
30. Hard disk time for R/W head
to move to correct sector
Ans. Latency Time
31. The percentage of times a
page number bound in associate register is called
Ans. Bit ratio
32. Expand MODEM
Ans. Modulator and Demodulator
33. RDBMS file system can be
defined as
Ans. Interrelated
34. Super Key is
Ans. Primary key and Attribute
35. Windows 95 supports
(a) Multi-user
(b) n tasks
(c) Both
(d) None
Ans. (a)
36.In the command scanf, h is used for
Ans. Short int
37.A process is defined as
Ans. Program in execution
38.A thread is
Ans. Detachable unit of
executable code)
39.What is the advantage of Win
NT over Win 95
Ans. Robust and secure
40.How is memory management done
in Win95
Ans. Through paging and
41.What is meant by polymorphism
Ans. Redefinition of a base class
method in a derived class
42.What is the essential feature
of inheritance
Ans. All properties of existing
class are derived
43.What does the protocol FTP do
Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations
with user authentication
44.In the transport layer ,TCP is
what type of protocol
Ans. Connection oriented
45.Why is a gateway used
Ans. To connect incompatible
46.How is linked list implemented
Ans. By referential structures
47.What method is used in Win95
in multitasking
Ans. Non preemptive check
48.What is a semaphore
Ans. A method synchronization of
multiple processes
49.What is the precedence order
from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ /
Ans.( ) , ++, /
50.Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G
51.What is the efficiency of
merge sort
Ans. O(n log n)
52.In which layer are routers
Ans.In network layer
53.Which of the following sorting
algorithm has average sorting behavior -- Bubble
sort,mergesort,heapsort,exchange sort
Ans. Heap sort
54.In binary search tree which
traversal is used for getting ascending order values--Inorder
55.What are device drivers used
Ans.To provide software for
enabling the hardware
56.What is fork command in unix
Ans. System call used to create process
57.What is make command in unix
Ans. Used for creation of more than one file
58.Inunix .profile contains
Ans. Start up program
59.Inunix 'ls 'stores contents in
Ans.inode block
60. Which of the following involves context
(a) system call
(b) priviliged instruction
(c) floatingpoitnt exception
(d) all the above
(e) none of the above
Ans: (a)
61. In OST, terminal emulation is
done in
(a) sessions layer
(b) application layer
(c) presentation layer
(d) transport layer
Ans: (b)
62. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required,
(d) 24
Ans. (b)
63. Semaphore is used for
(a) synchronization
(b) dead-lock avoidence
(c) box
(d) none
Ans. (a)
64. Which holds true for the
following statement
class c: public A, public B
a) 2 member in class A, B should
not have same name
b) 2 member in class A, C should
not have same name
c) both
d) none
Ans. (a)
65.Preprocessor.. does not do
which one of the following
(a) macro
(b) conditional complication
(c) in type checking
(d) including load file
Ans. (c)
66. Piggy backing is a technique
a) Flow control
b) Sequence
c) Acknowledgement
d) retransmission
Ans. (c)
67. Which is not a memory
management scheme?
a) buddy system
b) swapping
c) monitors
d) paging
Ans : c
68. There was a circuit given
using three NAND gates with two inputs and one output.
Find the output.
a) OR
b) AND
c) XOR
d) NOT
Ans. (a)
69.I integrated check value(ICV)
are used as:
Ans. The client computes the ICV
and then compares it with the senders value.
70. When applets are downloaded
from web sites , a byte verifier performs _________?
Ans. Status check.
71. An IP/IPX packet received by
a computer using... having IP/IPX both
how the packet is handled.
Ans. Read the, field in the
packet header with to send IP or IPX protocol.
72. The UNIX shell ....
a) does not come with the rest of
the system
b) forms the interface between
the user and the kernal
c) does not give any scope for
d) deos not allow calling one
program from with in another
e) all of the above
Ans. (b)
73. In UNIX a files i-node
Ans. Is a data structure that
defines all specifications of a file like the file size,
number of lines to a file,
permissions etc.
74. The very first process
created by the kernel that runs till the kernel
process is halts is
a) init
b) getty
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of these
Ans. (a)
75. In the process table entry
for the kernel process, the process id value is
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 255
(e) it does not have a process
table entry
Ans. (a)
76. Which of the following API is
used to hide a window
a) ShowWindow
b) EnableWindow
c) MoveWindow
d) SetWindowPlacement
e) None of the above
Ans. (a)
77. Which function is the entry
point for a DLL in MS Windows 3.1
a) Main
b) Winmain
c) Dllmain
d) Libmain
e) None
Ans. (b)
78. The standard source for
standard input, standard output and standard error is
a) the terminal
b) /dev/null
c) /usr/you/input,
/usr/you/output/, /usr/you/error respectively
d) None
Ans. (a)
79. The redirection operators
> and >>
a) do the same function
b) differ : > overwrites,
while >> appends
c) differ : > is used for
input while >> is used for output
d) differ : > write to any
file while >> write only to standard output
e) None of these
Ans. (b)
80. The command grep first second
third /usr/you/myfile
a) prints lines containing the
words first, second or third from the
file /usr/you/myfile
b) searches for lines containing
the pattern first in the files
second, third, and
/usr/you/myfile and prints them
c) searches the files
/usr/you/myfiel and third for lines containing the
words first or second and prints
d) replaces the word first with
the word second in the files third
and /usr/you/myfile
e) None of the above
Ans. (b)
81. You are creating a Index on
EMPNO column in the EMPLOYEE table.
Which statement will you use?
a) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx ON
employee, empno;
b) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx FOR
employee, empno;
c) CREATE INdEXemp_empno_idx ON
d) CREATE emp_empno_idxINdEX ON
Ans. c
82. Which program construct must
return a value?
a) Package
b) Function
c) Anonymous block
d) Stored Procedure
e) Application Procedure
Ans. b
83. Which Statement would you use
constraint and all depending
constraints fromthe EMPLOYEE table?
a) ALTER TABLE employee dROP
b) ALTER TABLE employee dELETE
c) MOdIFY TABLE employee dROP
CONSTRAINT employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
d) ALTER TABLE employee dROP
PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
e) MOdIFY TABLE employee dELETE
PRIMARY KEY employee_id_pkCASCAdE;
Ans. a
84. Which three commands cause a
transaction to end? (Chosse three)
Ans. a ,b ,f
85. Under which circumstance
should you create an index on a table?
a) The table is small.
b) The table is updated
c) A columns values are static
and contain a narrow range of values
d) Two columns are consistently
used in the WHERE clause join condition of SELECT
86. What was the first name given
to Java Programming Language.
a) Oak - Java
b) Small Talk
c) Oak
d) None
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Day for Water
Meteorological Day
TB Day
April 7
Health Day
Haemophilia Day
Heritage Day
Book and Copyright Day
May 1
Labour Day
May 3
Freedom Day, International Energy Day
May 8
Red Cross Day
May 12
Nurses Day
May 15
Day of the Family
May 17
Telecom Day
May 24
May 31
June 5
Environment Day
July 1
July 11
Population Day
Youth Day
Photography Day
Literary Day
Day of Democracy
Ozone Day
Day of
the Deaf
Tourism Day
Day for the Elderly
Non-violence Day; World Wetlands Day
Habitat Day
Animal Welfare Day
Postal Day
Mental Health Day
World Sight
Food Day
Poverty Eradication Day
Nations Day
Thrift Day
Rights Day
1.‘www’ stands for - world wide
2.A hard disk is divided into tracks which is further subdivided into - Sectors
3.A computer program that translates a program statement by statement into
machine language is called a/an
- Interpreter
4.A Gigabyte is equal to - 1024 Megabytes
5.A Compiler is a software which converts - high level language to machine
6.Virtual memory is - an illusion of extremely large main memory
7.The phrase ‘tragedy of commons’ is -in the context of degradation of
renewable free access resources
8.Kyoto Protocol is related to - Climate change
9.Which of the following is a source of emissions leading to the eventual
formation of surface ozone as a pollutant ?
(A) Transport sector
10.The smog in cities in India mainly consists of -Oxides of nitrogen and
unburnt hydrocarbons
11.Which of the following types of natural hazards have the highest potential
to cause damage to humans ?
(A) Droughts and Floods
12.The percentage share of renewable energy sources in the power production in
India is around
(A) 10-12%
13.In which of the following categories the enrolment of students in higher
education in 2010-11 was beyond the percentage of seats reserved ?
(A) OBC students
14. Which one of the following statements is not correct about the University
Grants Commission (UGC) ?
(A) It receives funds from State Governments in respect of State Universities.
15. Consider the statement which is followed by two arguments (I) and (II) :
Statement : Should India switch over to a two party system ?
Arguments : (I) Yes, it will lead to stability of Government.
(II) No, it will limit the choice of voters.
(A) Both the arguments are strong.
16.Consider the statement which is followed by two arguments (I) and (II) :
Statement : Should persons with criminal background be banned from contesting
elections ?
Arguments : (I) Yes, it will decriminalise politics.
(II) No, it will encourage the ruling party to file frivolous cases against
their political opponents.
(A) Only argument (I) is strong.
17.. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about a Judge of the
Supreme Court of India ?
1. A Judge of the Supreme Court is appointed by the President of India.
2. He holds office during the pleasure of the President.
3. He can be suspended, pending an inquiry.
4. He can be removed for proven misbehaviour or incapacity.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below :
Codes :
(A) 1 and 4
18. In the warrant of precedence, the Speaker of the LokSabha comes next
only to
(A) The Prime Minister
19.The black-board can be utilised best by a teacher for
(A) writing the important and notable points
20. Nowadays the most effective mode of learning is
(A) e-learning & blended learning
21.At the primary school stage, most of the teachers should be women because
(A) can deal with children with love and affection
22.Which one is the highest order of learning ?
(A) Conditioned-reflex learning
23.A person can enjoy teaching as a profession when he
(A) commands respect from students
24. “A diagram speaks more than 1000 words.”The statement means that the
teacher should
(A) use teaching aids in the class
25.A research paper
(A) contains peer-reviewed original research or evaluation of research
conducted by others
26.Which one of the following belongs to the category of good ‘research ethics’
(A) Conducting a review of the literature that acknowledges the contributions
of other people in the relevant field or relevant prior work.
27.Which of the following sampling methods is not based on probability ?
(A) Quota Sampling
28.Which one of the following references is written as per Modern Language Association
(MLA) format ?
(A) Hall, Donald. Fundamentals of Electronics.
New Delhi : Prentice Hall of India, 2005
29.A workshop is
(A) a brief intensive course for a small group emphasizing the
development of a skill or technique for solving a specific problem.
30.A working hypothesis is
(A) a provisionally accepted hypothesis for further research.
31.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions (31 to 36) :
The TajMahal has become one of the world’s best known monuments. This domed
marble structure is situated on a high plinth at the southern end of a
four-quartered garden,
evoking the gardens of paradise, enclosed within walls measuring 305 by 549
metres. Outside
the walls, in an area known as Mumtazabad, were living quarters for attendants,
markets, serais
and other structures built by local merchants and nobles. The tomb complex and
the other
imperial structures of Mumtazabad were maintained by the income of thirty
villages given
specifically for the tomb’s support. The name TajMahal is unknown in Mughal
chronicles, but
it is used by contemporary Europeans in India, suggesting that this was the
tomb’s popular
name. In contemporary texts, it is generally called simply the Illuminated Tomb
MumtazMahal died shortly after delivering her fourteenth child in 1631. The
court was then residing in Burhanpur. Her remains were temporarily buried by
the grief-
stricken emperor in a spacious garden known as Zainabad on the bank of the
river Tapti. Six
months later her body was transported to Agra, where it was interred in land
chosen for the
mausoleum. This land, situated south of the Mughal city on the bank of the
Jamuna, had
belonged to the Kachhwaha rajas since the time of Raja Man Singh and was
purchased from
the then current raja, Jai Singh. Although contemporary chronicles indicate Jai
Singh’s willing
cooperation in this exchange, extant farmans (imperial commands) indicate that
the final price
was not settled until almost two years after the mausoleum’s commencement. Jai
further cooperation was insured by imperial orders issued between 1632 and 1637
that he provide stone masons and carts to transport marble from the mines at
Makrana, within
his “ancestral domain”, to Agra where both the TajMahal and Shah Jahan’s
additions to the
Agra fort were constructed concurrently.
Work on the mausoleum was commenced early in 1632. Inscriptional evidence
much of the tomb was completed by 1636. By 1643, when Shah Jahan most lavishly
the ‘Urs ceremony for MumtazMahal’, the entire complex was virtually complete.
31. Marble stone used for the construction of the TajMahal was brought from the
domain of Raja Jai Singh. The name of the place where mines of marble is
(A) Makrana.
32.The popular name TajMahal was given by
(A) European travellers.
33.Point out the true statement from the following :
(A) The TajMahal is surrounded by a four-quartered garden known as ChahrBagh.
34.In the contemporary texts the TajMahal is known
(A) Rauza-i-Munavvara
35.The construction of the TajMahal was completed between the period
(A) 1632 – 1643 A.D.
36.The documents indicating the ownership of land, where the TajMahal was
built, known as
(A) Farman
37.In the process of communication, which one of the following is in the
chronological order ?
(A) Communicator, Message, Medium, Receiver, Effect
38.Bengal Gazette, the first Newspaper in India was started in 1780 by
(A) James Augustus Hicky
39.Press censorship in India was imposed during the tenure of the Prime
(A) Indira Gandhi
40.Communication via New media such as computers, teleshopping, internet and
mobile telephony is termed as
(A)) Interactive communication
41.Classroom communication of teacher rests on the principle of
(A)) Edutainment
42.________ is important when a teacher communicates with his/her student.
(A) Empathy
43.In a certain code GALIB is represented by HBMJC. TIGER will be represented
44.In a certain cricket tournament 45 matches were played. Each team played
once against each of the other
teams. The number of teams participated in the tournament is
(A) 10
45.The missing number in the series 40, 120, 60, 180, 90, ?, 135 is
(A) 270 (40x3=120, 120/2=60, 60x3=180, 180/2=90, 90x3=270, 270/2=135)
46.The odd numbers from 1 to 45 which are exactly divisible by 3 are arranged
in an ascending order. The number at 6th position is
(A) 33
47. The mean of four numbers a, b, c, d is 100. If c = 70, then the mean of the
remaining numbers is
(A) 110
48.If the radius of a circle is increased by 50%, the perimeter of the circle
will increase by
(A) 50%
49.If the statement ‘some men are honest’ is false, which among the following
statements will be true.
Choose the correct code given below :
(i) All men are honest.
(ii) No men are honest.
(iii) Some men are not honest.
(iv) All men are dishonest.
Codes :
(A) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
50.Choose the proper alternative given in the codes to replace the question
Bee – Honey, Cow – Milk, Teacher – ?
(A) Wisdom
51.P is the father of R and S is the son of Q and T is the brother of P. If R
is the sister of S, how is Q related to T ?
(A) Sister-in-law
52.A definition put forward to resolve a dispute by influencing attitudes or
stirring emotions is called
53.Which of the codes given below contains only the correct statements ?
Statements :
(i) Venn diagram is a clear methodof notation.
(ii) Venn diagram is the most directmethod of testing the validity of
categorical syllogisms.
(iii) In Venn diagram method the premises and the conclusion of a categorical
syllogism is diagrammed.
(iv) In Venn diagram method the three overlapping circles are drawn for testing
a categorical syllogism.
Codes :
(A) (i), (ii) & (iv)
54.Inductive reasoning presupposes
(A) uniformity in human nature
1.The Software Maturity Index
(SMI) is defined as SMI = [Mf – (Fa + Fc + Fd)] / M Where Mf = the number of
modules in the current release. Fa = the number of modules in the current
release that have been added. Fc = the number of modules in the current release
that have been changed. Fd = the number of modules in the current release that
have been deleted. The product begins to stabilize when
(A) SMI approaches 1
2.Match the following :
a. Watson-Felix model - Cost estimation
b. Quick-Fix model - Maintenence
c.Putnam resource allocation model-Project planning
d.Logarithmetic-Poisson Model - Failure intensity
3.__________ is a process model that removes defects before they can
precipitate serious hazards.
(A) Cleanroom software engineering
4.Equivalence partitioning is a __________ method that divides the input domain
of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived.
(A) Black-box testing
5.The following three golden rules :
(i) Place the user in control
(ii) Reduce the user’s memory load
(iii) Make the interface consistent are for
(A) Good interface design
6.Software safety is a __________ activity that focuses on the identification
and assessment of potential hazards that may affect software negatively and
cause an entire system to fail.
(A) Software quality assurance
7.The “PROJECT” operator of a relational algebra creates a new table that has
(A) Same number of rows as the original table
8.The employee information of an Organization is stored in the relation :
Employee (name, sex, salary,deptname) Consider the following SQL query
Select deptname from Employee Where sex = ‘M’
group by deptname
having avg (salary) > {select avg (salary) from Employee}
Output of the given query corresponds to
(A) Average salary of male employees in a department is more than average
salary of the organization.
9.For a database relation R(a, b, c, d) where the domains of a, b, c, d include
only the atomic values. The functional dependency a → c, b → d holds in the
following relation
(A) In 1NF not in 2NF
10. Match the following :
a. RAID 0 i. Bit interleaved parity
b. RAID 1 ii. Non redundant stripping
c. RAID 2 iii. Mirrored disks
d. RAID 3 iv. Error correcting codes
11.The golden ratio φ and its conjugate– φ both satisfy the equation
(A) x2 – x – 1 = 0
12.The solution of recurrence relation, T(n) = 2T(floor ( n)) + logn is
(A) O(logn log logn)
13.In any n-element heap, the number of nodes of height h is
(A) less than equal to n/[2to the power of h + 1]
14.A data file of 1,00,000 characters
contains only the characters g-l, with
the frequencies as indicated in table :
h i j k l
Frequency 45 13 12 16 9 5
in thousand using the variable-length code by Huffman codes, the file can be
encoded with
(A) 2,24,000 bits
15.A vertex cover of an undirected graph G(V, E) is a subset V1 ⊆ V vertices such that
(A) If (u, v) ∈ E then u ∈ V1 or v ∈ V1
16.In a fully connected mesh network with n devices, there are ________
physical channels to link all devices.
(A) n(n–1)/2
17.The baud rate of a signal is 600 baud/second. If each signal unit carries 6
bits, then the bit rate of a signal is ________.
(A) 3600
18. Match the following :
a. Data link
-Node to node delivery
b. Network layer -Routing layer
c. Transport layer -Flow layer control
d. Application
-Mail services
19.An image is 1024∗800 pixels with 3 bytes/pixel. Assume
the image is uncompressed. How long does it take to transmit it over a 10-Mbps
Ethernet ?
(A) 1.966 seconds
20.The ________ measures the relative strengths of two signals or a signal at
two different points.
(A) decibel
21.Which one of the following media is multidrop ?
(A) Thick Coaxial cable
22.What is the baud rate of the standard 10 Mbps Ethernet ?
(A) 20 megabaud
23.At any iteration of simplex method, if Δj (Zj – Cj) corresponding to
any non-basic variable Xj is obtained as zero, the solution
under the test is
(A) Alternative solution
24.A basic feasible solution to a m-origin, n-destination transportation
problem is said to be _________ if the number of positive allocations are less
than m + n – 1.
(A) degenerate
25.he total transportation cost in an initial basic feasible solution to the
following transportation problem using Vogel’s Approximation method is
W2 W3
W4 W5
F1 4
2 3
6 8
F2 5
5 2
1 12
F3 6
5 4
7 3
Demand 4
4 6
8 8
(A) 80
26.An actor in an animation is a small program invoked _______ per frame to
determine the characteristics of some object in the animation.
(A) once
27.Bresenham line drawing algorithm is attractive because it uses
(A) Integer arithmetic only
28.The refresh rate above which a picture stops flickering and fuses into a
steady image is called _________.
(A) Critical fusion frequency
29.In homogenous coordinate system (x, y, z) the points with z = 0 are called
(A) Point at infinity
30.If 40 black lines interleaved with 40 white lines can be distinguished
across one inch, the resolution is
(A) 40 line-pairs per inch
31.Images tend to be very large collection of data. The size of memory required
for a 1024 by 1024 image in which the colour of each pixel is represented by a
n-bit number, (in an 8 bit machines) is
(A) n / 8 MB
32.Arrays in C language can have _________ with reference to memory
(A)only one subscript
33.Refer the points as listed below :
(a) What are the precedence rules ?
(b) What are the associativity rules ?
(c) What is the order of operand evaluation ?
(d) Are there restrictions on operand evaluation side effects ?
Which of the above must be considered as primary design issues for arithmetic
expressions ?
(A) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
34.Horn clauses are special kinds of propositions which can be described as
(A) A single atomic proposition on left side or an empty left side.
35.Which of the following is/are the fundamental semantic model(s) of parameter
passing ?
(A) all of the above
36.The grammar with production rules S → aSb |SS|λ generates language L given
by :
(A) L = {w∈{a, b}* | na(w) = nb(w)and na(v) ≥ nb(v) where v is any prefix of w}
37.A pushdown automation M = (Q, Σ,Γ, δ, q0, z, F) is set to be deterministic
subject to which of the following condition(s), for every q ∈ Q, a ∈ Σ ∪ {λ} and b ∈ Γ
(s1) δ(q, a, b) contains at most one element
(s2) if δ(q, λ, b) is not empty then δ(q, c, b) must be empty for every c∈Σ
(A) Both s1 and s2
38.For every context free grammar (G) there exists an algorithm that passes any
w ∈ L(G) in number of steps proportional to
(A) |w|3
39.Match the following :
a. Context sensitive language - Recursive language
b. Regular grammar
- Deterministic finite automation
c. Context free grammar - Pushdown
d. Unrestricted grammar - Recursive
40.The statements s1 and s2 are given as :
s1 : Context sensitive languages are closed under intersection, concatenation,
substitution and inverse homomorphism.
s2 : Context free languages are closed under complementation, substitution and
Which of the following is correct statement ?
(A) s1 is correct and s2 is not correct.
41.Which one of the following is not an addressing mode ?
(A) Relative indexed
42.Computers can have instruction formats with
(A) zero address, one address, two address and three address instructions
43.Which is not a typical program control instruction ?
44.Interrupt which arises from illegal orerroneous use of an instruction or
data is
(A) Internal interrupt
45.The simplified function in product of sums of Boolean function F(W, X, Y, Z)
= Σ(0, 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10) is
(A) (W' + X') (Y' + Z') (X' + Z)
46.Match the following :
a. TTL -Evolution of
b. ECL -High speed digital
c. MOS -High component
d. CMOS -Low power
47.Match the following :
a. Foreign keys
-Referential integrity
b. Private key
-Domain constraint
c. Event control action model -Trigger
d. Data security
48.When an array is passed as a parameter to a function which of the following
statements is correct ?
(A) The function can change values in the original array.
49.Suppose you want to delete the name that occurs before “Vivek” in an
alphabetical listing. Which of the following data structures shall be most
efficient for this operation ?
(A) Doubly linked list
50.What will be the output of the
following segment of the program ?
char *s = “hello world”;
int i = 7;
printf(“%, *s”, i, s);
(A)%, *s
51.Trace the error :
void main( )
int *b, &a;
*b = 20
printf(“%d, %d”, a, *b)
(A) Syntax error
52.Match the following :
a. calloc( ) -Allocates space for array
b. free( ) -Frees previously allocated
c. malloc( ) -Allocates requested size of space
d. realloc( ) -Modifies previously allocated space
53.Binary symmetric channel uses
(A) Half duplex protocol
54.Hamming distance between 100101000110 and 110111101101 is
(A) 6
55.Given code word 1110001010 is to be transmitted with even parity check bit.
The encoded word to be transmitted for this code is
(A) 11100010101
56.The number of distinct binary images which can be generated from a given
binary image of right M × N are
(A) 2to the power of MN
57.If f(x, y) is a digital image, then x, y and amplitude values of f are
(A) Finite
58.Consider the following processes with time slice of 4 milliseconds (I/O
requests are ignored) :
Process A
Arrival time 0
1 2 3
CPU cycle
8 4
9 5
The average turn around time of these processes will be
(A) 18.25 milliseconds
59.A job has four pages A, B, C, D and the main memory has two page frames
only. The job needs to process its pages in following order :
Assuming that a page interrupt occurs when a new page is brought in the main
memory, irrespective of whether the page is swapped out or not. The number of
page interrupts in FIFO and LRU page replacement algorithms are
(A) 9 and 8
60.Suppose S and Q are two semaphores
initialized to 1. P1 and P2 are two
processes which are sharing resources.
P1 has statements P2 has statements
wait(S) ; wait(Q) ;
wait(Q) ; wait(S) ;
critical- critical-
section 1; section 2;
signal(S) ; signal(Q) ;
signal(Q) ; signal(S) ;
Their execution may sometimes lead
to an undesirable situation called
(A) Deadlock
61.An operating system using banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance has ten
dedicated devices (of same type) and has three processes P1, P2 and P3 with
maximum resource requirements of 4, 5 and 8 respectively. There are two states
of allocation of devices as follows :
State 1 Processes P1 P2 P3
allocated 2
3 4
State 2 Processes P1 P2 P3
allocated 0
2 4
Which of the following is correct ?
(A) State 1 is unsafe and state 2 is safe.
62.Let the time taken to switch between user mode and kernel mode of execution
be T1 while time taken to switch between two user processes be T2. Which of the
following is correct ?
(A) T1 < T2
63.Working set model is used in memory management to implement the concept of
(A) Principal of Locality
64.A UNIX file system has 1 KB block size and 4-byte disk addresses. What is
the maximum file size if the inode contains ten direct block entries, one
single indirect block entry, one double indirect block entry and one triple
indirect block entry ?
(A) 16 GB
65.A thread is usually defined as a light weight process because an Operating
System (OS) maintains smaller data structure for a thread than for a process.
In relation to this, which of the following statement is correct ?
(A) OS maintains only CPU registers for each thread
66.The versions of windows operating system like windows XP and window Vista
uses following file system :
(1) FAT-16
(2) FAT-32
(3) NTFS (NT File System)
(A) All of the above
67.Which one of the following is a correct implementation of the meta-predicate
“not” in PROLOG (Here G represents a goal) ?
(A) not(G):– call(G), !, fail. not(G).
68.Which one of the following is not an informed search technique ?
(A) Depth first search
69.If we convert ∃u ∀v ∀x ∃y (P(f(u),v, x, y) → Q(u,v,y)) to ∀v ∀x (P(f(a),v, x, g(v,x)) → Q(a,v,g(v,x))) This process is known as
(A) Skolemization
70.Given two jugs of capacities 5 litres and 3 litres with no measuring markers
on them. Assume that there is endless supply of water. Then the minimum number
of states to measure 4 litres water will be
(A) 7
71.The map colouring problem can be solved using which of the following
technique ?
(A) Constraint satisfaction
72.Which of the following is a knowledge representation technique used to
represent knowledge about stereotype situation ?
(A) Scripts
73.If A and B are two fuzzy sets with membership functions μA(x) = {0.6, 0.5,
0.1, 0.7, 0.8} μB(x) = {0.9, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.5} ––––– Then the value of μA∪ B(x) will be
(A){0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2}
74.A fuzzy set A on R is ________ iff A(λx1 + (1 – λ)x2) ≥ min [A(x1),A(x2)]
for all x1, x2 ∈ R and all λ ∈ [0, 1],
where min denotes the minimumoperator.
(A) Convex
ugc net june-13 paper-ii
1.COCOMO stands for
(A) COnstructiveCOstMOdel
2.Match the following :
a. Good quality i. Program does not fail for a specified time in a given
b. Correctness ii. Meets the functional requirements
c. Predictable iii. Meets both functional and non-functional
d. Reliable iv. Process is under statistical
Codes :
a b c d
(A) iii ii iv i
3.While estimating the cost of software, Lines Of Code (LOC) and Function
Points (FP) are used to measure which one of the following ?
(A) Size of software
4.A good software design must have
(C) Low module coupling, High module cohesion
5.Cyclometric complexity of a flow graph G with n vertices and e edges is
(A) V(G) = e–n+2
6.When the following code is executed what will be the value of x and y ?
int x = 1, y = 0;
y = x++;
(A) 2,1
7.How many values can be held by an array A(–1,m;1,m) ?
(A) m(m+2)
8.What is the result of the expression
(1&2)+(3/4) ?
(A) 0
9.How many times the word ‘print’ shall be printed by the following program
segment ?
for (i=1, i<2,i++)
for (j=1,j<2,j++)
(A) 8
10.Which of the following is not a type of Database Management System ?
(A) Sequential
11.Manager’s salary details are to be hidden from Employee Table. This
Technique is called as
(A)External level Datahiding
12.A Network Schema
(A) permits many to many relationship
13.Which normal form is considered as adequate for usual database design ?
(A) 3NF
14.If D1,D2, .. ..Dn are domains in a relational model, then the relation is a
table, which is a subset of
(A)D1×D2× ... ×Dn
15.Which of the following addresses is used to deliver a message to the correct
application program running on a host ?
(A) Port
16.In ________ substitution, a character in the plaintext is always changed to
the same character in the ciphertext, regardless of its position in the text.
(A) polyalphabetic
17.In classful addressing, the IP address belongs to
(A) Class B
18.In hierarchical routing with 4800 routers, what region and cluster sizes
should be chosen to minimize the size of the routing table for a three- layer
hierarchy ?
(A) 15 clusters, 16 regions and 20 routers
19.In IPv4 header, the ______ field is needed to allow the destination host to
determine which datagram a newly arrived fragments belongs to.
(A) identification
20.Given L1=L(a*baa*) and L2=L(ab*). The regular expression corresponding to
language L3 = L1/L2 (right quotient) is given by
(A) a*ba*
21.Given the production rules of a grammar G1 as S1 → AB | aaB A → a | AaB→b
and the production rules of a grammar G2 as
S2 → aS2bS2 | bS2aS2 | λ Which of the following is correct statement ?
(A) G1 is ambiguous and G2 is ambiguous.
22.Given a grammar : S1 → Sc, S → SA | A, A → aSb | ab, there is a rightmost
derivation S1 ⇒ Sc ⇒ SAC ⇒SaSbc Thus, SaSbc is a right sentential form, and its handle is
(A) aSb
23.The equivalent production rules corresponding to the production rules S →
Sα1 |Sα2 | β1 | β2 is
(A) S → β1 | β2 | β1A | β2A,
A → α1A | α2A | λ
24.Given a Non-deterministic Finite Automation (NFA) with states p and r as
initial and final states respectively and transition table as given below :
a b
p – q
q r s
r r s
s r s
The minimum number of states required in Deterministic Finite Automation (DFA)
equivalent to NFA is
(A) 3
25.Which is the correct statement(s) for Non Recursive predictive parser ?
S1 : First(α) = {t| α ⇒* tβ for some string β} ⇒*tβ
S2 : Follow(X)={ a| S⇒*αXaβ some strings α and β}
(A) Both statements S1 and S2 correct.
26.Given an open address hash table with load factor α < 1, the expected
number of probes in a successful search is
(B) Atmost 1/α in 1/1– α
27.For a B-tree of height h and degree t,the total CPU time used to insert a
node is
(A) O(th)
28.The time complexity to build a heap with a list of n numbers is
(A) O(n)
29.The value of postfix expression :
8 3 4 + – 3 8 2 / + * 2 $ 3 + is
(A) 52
30.Consider the following statements for priority queue :
S1 : It is a data structure in which the intrinsic ordering of the elements
does determine the result of its basic operations.
S2 : The elements of a priority queue may be complex structures that are
ordered on one or several fields.
(A) Both S1 and S2 are correct
31.Repository of information gathered from multiple sources, storing under
unified scheme at a single site is called as
(A)Data warehousing
32.The task of correcting and pre processing data is called as
(A) Data cleaning
33.Using data p=3, q=11, n=pq, d=7 in RSA algorithm find the cipher text of the
given plain text SUZANNE
34.The relation “divides” on a set of positive integers is ________.
(A) Anti symmetric and transitive
35.Give as good a big–O estimate as possible for the following functions :
(A) O(n5) & O(n3* n!)
36.A test contains 100 true/false questions. How many different ways can a
student answer the questions on the test, if the answer may be left blank also.
(A) 3 to the power of 100
37.Which of the following connected simple graph has exactly one spanning tree
Complete graph
Hamiltonian graph
Euler graph
(A) None of the above
38.How many edges must be removed to produce the spanning forest of a graph
with N vertices, M edges and C connected components ?
39.Which of the following shall be a compound proposition involving the
propositions p, q and r, that is true when exactly two of the p, q and r are
true and is false otherwise ?
(C) (p ∧ q ∧⎤ r) ∨ ( p ∧⎤ q ∧ r) ∨ (⎤ p ∧ q ∧ r)
40.The truth value of the statements :
∃!xP(x) → ∃xP(x) and ∃!x⎤ P(x) → ⎤∀xP(x), (where the notation ∃!xP(x) denotes the proposition “There exists a unique x such that P(x)
is true”) are :
(A) True and True
41.How many different Boolean functions of degree 4 are there ?
(A) 2 to the power of 16
42.A Boolean operator s is defined as follows :
1 s 1 = 1, 1 s 0 = 0, 0 s 1 = 0 and 0s0=1 What will be the truth value of the
expression (x s y) s z = x s (y s z) ?
(A)Always true
43.Which one of the following is decimal value of a signed binary number
1101010, if it is in 2’s complement form ?
(A) – 22
44.A set of processors P1, P2, ......, Pk can execute in parallel if
Bernstein’s conditions are satisfied on a pairwise
basis; that is P1 || P2 || P3 || ..... || Pk if and only if
(A) Pi || Pj for all i ≠ j
45.When a mobile telephone physically moves from one to another cell, the base
station transfers ownership to the cell getting strongest signal. This process
is known as _______.
(A) handoff
46.A virtual memory based memory management algorithm partially swaps out a
process. This is an example of
(A) medium term scheduling
47.Assuming that the disk head is located initially at 32, find the number of
disk moves required with FCFS if the disk queue of I/O block requests are 98,
37, 14, 124, 65, 67 :
48.Let the page fault service time be 10 millisecond(ms) in a computer with
average memory access time being 20 nanosecond(ns). If one page fault is
generated for every 106 memory accesses, what is the effective access time for
memory ?
(A) 30 ns
49.Consider the following UNIX command : sort <in> temp; head – 30
<temp; rm temp Which of the following functions shall be performed by
this command ?
(A) Sort, taking the input from “in” and writing the output to “temp” then
prints 30 lines from temp on terminal. Finally “temp” is removed.
50.The mv command changes
(A) the directory entry
The postfix expression AB + CD – *
be evaluated using a
linked list
The post order traversal of a binary
is DEBFCA. Find out the preorder
None of the above
The branch logic that provides making
in the control unit is known
Controlled transfer
Conditional transfer
Unconditional transfer
None of the above
The number of colours required to
colour the vertices of every
graph is
Networks that use different
can be connected by
Both hosts and routers are TCP/IP
software. However, routers do
use protocol from all layers. The
for which protocol software is not
by a router is
Layer – 5 (Application)
Layer – 1 (Physical)
Layer – 3 (Internet)
Layer – 2 (Network Interface)
In multiuser database if two users wish
update the same record at the same
they are prevented from doing so
Record lock
A binary search tree is a binary tree :
All items in the left subtree are
than root
All items in the right subtree are
than or equal to the root
Each subtree is itself a binary
All of the above
What deletes the entire file except the
structure ?
Which command is the fastest among
following ?
B+ tree are preferred to binary tree in
Disk capacity are greater than
Disk access is much slower than
Disk data transfer rates are much
than memory data transfer
Disks are more reliable than
A Transaction Manager is which of the
Maintains a log of transactions
Maintains before and after
Maintains appropriate concurrency
All of the above
Leaves of which of the following trees
at the same level ?
Binary tree
Expression tree
Which of the following TCP/IP
protocol is diskless machine
to obtain its IP address from a
Decryption and encryption of data are
responsibility of which of the
layer ?
Physical layer
Data Link layer
Presentation layer
Session layer
In which circuit switching, delivery of
is delayed because data must be
and retrieved from RAM ?
Space division
Time division
In which Routing Method do all the
have a common database ?
Distance vector
Link state
Link vector
Dijkestra method
Page Shift Keying (PSK) Method is
to modulate digital signal at
bps using 16 level. Find the line
and speed (i.e. modulation
2400 bauds (B) 1200 bauds
4800 bauds (D) 9600 bauds
The station to hub distance in which it
2000 metres.
100 Base-Tx
100 Base-Fx
100 Base-T4
100 Base-T1
Main aim of software engineering is to
within budget
software within budget in the
Key process areas of CMM level 4 are
classified by a process which is
CMM level 2
CMM level 3
CMM level 5
All of the above
Validation means
are we building the product right
are we building the right product
verification of fields
None of the above
If a process is under statistical control,
it is
In a function oriented design, we
minimize cohesion and maximize
maximize cohesion and minimize
maximize cohesion and
minimize cohesion and minimize
Which of the following metric does not
on the programming language
Line of code
Function count
Member of token
All of the above
A / B+ tree index is to be built on the
attribute of the relation
Assume that all students
are of length 8 bytes, disk block
of size 512 bytes and index
are of size 4 bytes. Given this
what would be the best choice
the degree (i.e. the number of
per node) of the B+ tree ?
16 (B) 42
43 (D) 44
The Inorder traversal of the tree will
a sorted listing of elements of
Binary tree
Binary search tree
None of the above
Mobile IP provides two basic
Route discovery and registration
Agent discovery and registration
IP binding and registration
None of the above
Pre-emptive scheduling is the strategy
temporarily suspending a gunning
before the CPU time slice expires
to allow starving processes to run
when it requests I/O
to avoid collision
In round robin CPU scheduling as time
is increased the average turn
remains constant
varies irregularly
Resources are allocated to the process
non-sharable basis is
mutual exclusion
hold and wait
no pre-emption
circular wait
Cached and interleaved memories are
of speeding up memory access
CPU’s and slower RAM.
memory models are best suited
improves the performance most)
which programs ?
Cached memory is best suited for
Interleaved memory is best
for small loops
Interleaved memory is best
for large sequential code.
Cached memory is best suited for
sequential code.
(i) and (ii) are true.
(i) and (iii) are true.
(iv) and (ii) are true.
(iv) and (iii) are true.
Consider the following page trace :
2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
of page fault that would
if FIFO page replacement
is used with number of
for the JOB m = 4 will be
Check sum used along with each
computes the sum of the data,
data is treated as a sequence of
Real numbers
If an integer needs two bytes of
then the maximum value of a
integer is
216 – 1
215 – 1
Which of the following logic families
well suited for high-speed operations ?
Interrupts which are initiated by an
printf(“%c”, 100);
prints 100
prints ASCII equivalent of 100
prints garbage
none of the above
For the transmission of the signal,
wireless technology uses
time division multiplexing
frequency division multiplexing
time division duplex
frequency division duplex
Consider the following statements :
Recursive languages are closed
Recursively enumerable languages
closed under union.
Recursively enumerable languages
closed under complementation.
of the above statements are true ?
I only
I and II
I and III
II and III
What is the routing algorithm used by
and IGRP ?
Identify the incorrect statement :
The overall strategy drives the
data warehousing
Data warehousing in an
environment should
done in a classical manner.
E-Commerce opens up an
new world of web
E-Commerce security threats can
grouped into three major
Reliability of software is directly
quality of the design
number of errors present
software engineers experience
user requirement
______ is not an E-Commerce
House banking
Buying stocks
Conducting an auction
Evaluating an employee
______ is a satellite based tracking
that enables the determination
person’s position.
Short Message Service
Global Positioning System
A complete microcomputer system
Peripheral equipment
All of the above
Where does a computer add and
data ?
Hard disk
Floppy disk
CPU chip
Memory chip
Pipelining strategy is called implement
instruction execution
instruction prefetch
instruction decoding
instruction manipulation
Which of the following data structure
linear type ?
All of the above
To represent hierarchical relationship
elements, which data structure
suitable ?
All of the above
Computer Science & Computer Applications Questions and Answers
A method of providing security to transport
e-mails is
A combinational circuit is designed to take
4 bit input. The number from 0 to 9 are given as input in the binary form. The
circuit outputs ‘1’ if 5,6,7 or 9 are given input.For all other numbers the
circuit outputs ‘0’. The circuit is designed only using AND, OR, NOT gates.
What is the minimum number of gates required ?
Ans. 3
The MAC protocol used in Ethernet is
The simplified form of the Boolean
expression (X+Y’+Z) (X+Y’+Z’) (X+Y+Z)
Ans. X+Y’Z
Arrange the following IP addresses in the
order of Class A, Class B, Class C and Class D.
193. 200. 151. 2
189. 51. 21. 200
225. 2. 2. 200
126. 8. 2. 200
Ans. IV, II, I, III
Addressing modes of the following 8085
instructions in the same order.
LXI, ADD r1, r2, MOV A,M
Direct, Immediate, Register, Indirect
The concatenation of two lists is to be
performed in 0(1) time. Which of the following implementation of a list should
be used?
Ans. Circularly doubly linked list
Match the following :
Non vectored interrupt 1. ISR
Non Maskableinterrupt 2. RST2
Program for interrupt 3. TRAP
Software Interrupt 4. INTR
Ans.4 3
1 2
Search algorithms are Judged on the basis of
Time complexity
Space complexity
I and II
I, II and III
II, III and IV
Ans. All of the above
10. Choose
the answer from the following register(s) that store the address of a memory
Program counter
BC Register pair
Ans. I and III are correct
If G be a complete undirected graph on 6
vertices. If vertices of G are labeled then the number of distinct cycles of
length 4 in G is equal to
Ans. 90
The number of vectored interrupts in 8085 is
Ans. 4
The Java compiler translates source code
Ans. Byte Code
Object-Modelling Technique was proposed by
The following scheduling algorithm is inherently
pre emptive
Ans. Round Robin
An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is
data type for which only the operations defined on it can be used
In a paged memory the page hit ratio is
0.35. The time required to access a page in secondary memory is equal to 100
nsec. The time required to access a page in primary memory is 10 nsec. The
average time equired to access a page is
______________ abstraction is a named
sequence of instructions that has a specific and limited function.
Ans. Procedural
A process executes the code
( ) ;
( ) ;
( ) ;
( ) ;
total number of child processes created is
Ans. 15
If A = { 0, 1 }, then the number of possible
strings of length ‘n’ is
The overlay tree for a program is given
below. What will be the size of the physical memory partition required to load
and run the program?
The complexity of inter connection among
modules is described by
Ans. Coupling
A 1000 K byte memory is managed using
variable partitions but to compaction. It currently has two partitions of sizes
200 K bytes and 340 K bytes respectively. The smallest allocation request in K
bytes that
be denied is for
The grammar guaranteed by production rules
SBc, CB->BC, aB ->aa is
anbncn, n>0
The following page replacement algorithms
suffer from Belady’s anomaly.
Optimal replacement
Ans. I and III correct
Given the basic ER and relational models,
which of the following is INCORRECT?
An attribute of an entity can have more than one value
An attribute of an entity can be composite
In a row of a relational table, an attribute can have more than one value
In a row of a relational table, an attribute can have exactly one value or a
NULL value
C). In a row of a relational table, an
attribute can have more than one value
The algorithm used for searching AND-OR
graph is
Ans. AO*
The PROJECT operator of a relational algebra
creates a new table that has always
Ans. Same number of rows as the original table
The Natural Language sentence will be
represented in NLP with
Ans. I, II
The file organization in which the physical
location of a record is determined by a Mathematical function that maps the key
to address of the record is
Ans. Hashed file organization
Consider the following statements about the
cyclomatic complexity of the control flow graph of a program module. Which of
these are TRUE ?
The cyclomatic complexity of a module is equal to the maximum number of
linearly independent circuits in the graph.
The cyclomatic complexity of a module is the number of decisions on the module
plus one. Where aecision is effectively any conditional statement in the
The cyclomatic complexity can also be used as a number of linearly independent
paths that should be
during path coverage testing
i, ii and iii
Which of the sorting algorithm is the
Ans. Bubble sort
The approach used in top-down analysis and
design is
identify a top level function and then create a hierarchy of lower level modules
and components
Match the following:
Flow control 1. Token Bucket
Error control 2. Sliding window
Congestion control 3. Manchester
Synchronization 4. Parity bit
Ans. 2
4 1 3
Slow start is a technique used by the TCP to
Number of time outs of segments
A B-Tree used as an index for a large
database table has four levels including root node. If a new key is inserted in
this index, then the maximum number of nodes that could be newly created in the
process are
Ans. 5
Consider the following proportional
one of the following are true?
Both P1 and P2 are not tautologies
What is difference between a Java applet and
a Java application ?
An application can in general be trusted whereas an applet can’t
An applet must be executed in a browser environment
An applet is not able to access the files of the computer it runs on
Ans. All of the above
The following machine will accept the String
Types of validation testing
Ans. Alpha and Beta Testing
Choose the correct answer, the protocol
which returns IP address.
Ans. II and IV correct
Assuming P !=N which of the following is
Ans. NP – complete nP = φ
What is the appropriate pairing of items in
the two columns, listing various activities encountered in a software life
cycle ?
Requirements 1. Module capture
Development and Integration
Design 2. Domain analysis
Implementation 3. Structural
Behavioural Modelling
Maintenance 4. Performance Tuning
P – 2, Q – 3, R – 1, S – 4
In UNIX, when the read system call
encounters EOF, it returns
Ans. –1
Which of the following regular expression
identities are true ?
Ans. (r’)1 = r
46. The message 11001001 is to be transmitted using
the CRC polynomial x3 + 1 to protect it from errors. The message that should be
transmitted is
47. _______________ is black box testing method.
Boundary value analysis
48. If the hamming distance is ‘m’ then the number
of errors that can be corrected is
Less than m/2
49. What is the maximum number of I/O devices that
can be interfaced to 8085 ?
Ans. 256
50. Compression Ratio is defined as
Ans. compressed size/uncompressed size)
51. Neural Networks are models of
Biological nervous systems
Question No.’s 52 and 53
Disk requests come to a disk drive for
cylinders 10, 22, 20, 2, 40, 6 and 36 in that order at a time when the disk drive
is reading from cylinder 20. The seek time is 6 ms per cylinder. The disk can
be rotated either clockwise or counter clockwise.
52. The total seek time if the disk arm scheduling
algorithm is first-cum-first served.
Ans. 876 msec.
53. If the scheduling algorithm is closest cylinder
next, then the total will be
Ans.360 msec.
Question No.’s 54, 55 and 56
The next three questions are based on Huffman’s
coding for the symbol A with probability 0.3, B with 0.15, C with 0.1, D with
0.25 and E with 0.2.
54. The minimum number of bits required to
represent B is
Ans. 3
55. The minimum number of bits required to
represent all the symbols together is
56. The average code length of the given problem is
Ans. 2.25
57. Character Recognition is application of
Neural Networks
58. Inference Engine consists of
I. Facts
II. User Interface
III. Search
IV. Domain Expert
Ans. I,
59. With regarding to exceptions following is TRUE
Raised by program and OS
60. Which of the following concurrency control
protocols ensure both conflict serializability and freedom from dead deadlock
I. 2 – phase locking
II. Time-stamp ordering
Ans. II only
61. The following system calls are related to file
operations in UNIX
I. Signal
II. Kill
III. Seek
IV. Unlink
Ans. III
and IV correct
62. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) has language
elements which permit certain actions other than describing the structure of
the web document. Which one of the following actions is not supported by pure
HTML (without any server or client side
scripting) pages?
Display the client time as part of the page
63. Search engine is a ____________ agent.
Ans. Intelligent
64. The commonly used UNIX commands like date, ls,
cut etc. are stored in
Ans. /
bin and /usr/bin directory
65. ADO stands for
Active × Data Object
66. If f is a linear transformation from the plane
to the real numbers and if f(1, 1) = 1 and f(–1, 0) = 0 then f (3, 5) =
Ans. 9
67. Fuzzy Logic is proposed by
68. If the inorder and postorder traversal results
of a binary tree are A, C, B, F, E, D, G and A, B, C, E, G, D, F respectively.
Identify the root node of it.
Ans. F
69. NLP includes problems
(A) in which the objective function is linear
but some constraints are not linear
(B) in which the constraints are linear but the
objective function is not linear
(C) in which both the objective function and
all the constraints are not linear
Ans.all of the above
70. Class C is inherited from Class A and Class B,
Class D is inherited from Class C Which of the following is true ?
I. Class C inherits Class A attributes
II. Class C inherits Class B attributes
III. Class D inherits Class B attributes only
IV. Class D inherits Class A attributes only
Ans. I,
71. Which of the following is an assertion ?
Ans. P
is true, P and Q are true and K or not (Q) is true implies K is true
72. In 8085, the addressing mode used for LDAX rp
instruction is
73. Given an arbitrary Non-deterministic Finite
Automation (NFA) with N states, the maximum number of states in an equivalent
minimized DFA is atleast
Ans. N!
74. The maximum packet size of IPV4 is
Ans. 65535 bytes
75. Which of the following statements are TRUE
about an SQL query ?
P : An SQL query can contain a HAVING clause
even if it doesnot have a GROUP by clause.
Q : An SQL query can contain a HAVING clause
only if it has GROUP by clause.
R : All attributes used in the GROUP by clause
must appear in the SELECT clause.
S : Not all attributes used in the GROUP by
clause need to appear in the SELECT clause.
Ans. P
and S
1. Function
overloading is done at
Compile time
is an acronym for
Online Analytical Processing
Architectural design involves in SE
Ans. DFD-
Data Flow Diagrams
4. An EDP
auditor must be an expert in
Computerised Business Systems
5. If no
exception is thrown
Ans. All
catch blocks coded will be bypassed
Consider the following pseudo-code :
IF ((A
> B) AND (C > D)) THEN
A = A + 1
B = B + 1
cyclomatic complexity of the pseudo-code is
Ans. 3
7. Which
of the following testing methods is normally used as the acceptance test for a
software system ?
Functional testing
8. Match
the following
I. The
beginning of the function code 1. (
II. The
preprocessor directive always starts with 2. &
III. The
symbol for the address operator 3. {
IV. The
name of a function s ends with 4. #
Ans. 3
4 2 1
9. Match
the following :
1. Data
Link Layer i. The lowest layer whose
function is to activate, deactivate and maintain the circuit between DTE and DCE
Physical Layer ii. Perform routing
Presentation iii. Detection and Layer
recovery of errors in the transmitted data
Network Layer iv. Provides syntax for
the data
Ans. 1 –
iii, 2 – i, 3 – iv, 4 – ii
10. Match
the following :
I. 0 (log
n) 1. Heap sort
II. 0
(n) 2. DFS
III. 0 (n
log n) 3. Binary search
IV. 0 (n2) 4. Bubble sort
Ans. I –
3, II – 2, III – 1, IV – 4
11. The string accepted by the following
a, b are alphabets, q0, q1, and q2 are states and q2 is final state
(a + b)*
12. What is the maximum number of different
Boolean functions involving n Boolean variables ?
Ans. 22n
the category of following SQL operations INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE
Ans. DML
14. Let G be a simple graph all of whose
vertices have degree 3 and |E| = 2 |V| - 3 what can be said
about G ?
(A) G has ‘6’ vertices and 9 edges
15. Which of the following graph is
isomorphic to given below graph ?
16. Consider the join of a relation R with a
relation S. If R has m tuples and S has n tuples, then the maximum and minimum
sizes of the join respectively are
Ans.mn and 0
17. Assertion A : The technique of
building new classes from the existing classes is called polymorphism.
Reason R : Polymorphism requires postponement of
binding of a function call to the member function until runtime.
Ans. Only (R) is true and (A) is false
18. Suppose a tree has d1 vertices of degree
1, 2 vertices of degree 2, 4 vertices of degree 3 and 3 vertices of degree 4
then d1 value is
Ans. 12
19. A Binary Search Tree (BST) stores values
on the range 37 to 573. Consider the following sequence of keys
81, 537, 102, 439, 285, 376, 305
52, 97, 121, 195, 242, 381, 472
142, 248, 520, 386, 345, 270, 307
550, 149, 507, 395, 463, 402, 270
Which of the following statements is TRUE ?
is an inorder sequence of some BST where 121 is the root and 52 in a leaf
20. Assertion A : Implicit type
conversion in C++ can lead to errors keeping into the program, if adequate care
is not taken.
Reason R : Use of explicit type conversion is
recommend in mixed mode expression.
Ans. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the
reason for (A)
21. If X is a Boolean variable, then among
following what are the statements true according to Idempotent law ?
X + X = X
X . X = X
X . 1 = X
X + 1 = 1
Ans. I and II are correct
22. Exterior Gateway Protocol is
To exchange routing information between gateway hosts
23. Find the following statements in the context
of software testing are TRUE or FALSE
: Statement coverage cannot guarantee execution of loops in a program under
: Use of independent path testing criterion guarantees execution of each loop
in a program under test
than once.
Ans. True, False
24. Match the following :
To add 2 bits 1. Full adder
To add 3 bits 2. Left shift by 1 bit
To multiply by 2 3. Right shift by 1 bit
To divide by 2 4. Half adder
Ans. 4 1
2 3
25. A medium access control technique for
multiple access transmission media is
26. In a software project, COCOMO
(Constructive Cost Model) is used to estimate
Ans. Effort and duration based on the size of the
27. The gray code for decimal 7 is
Ans. 1011
28. Error detection at the data link level is
achieved by
Ans. Cyclic redundancy codes
29. In Unix, the file descriptor returned by
open system call is of type
Ans. Integer
30. The string 1101 does not belong to the
set represented by
Ans. (10)* (01)* (00 + 11)*
31. Which of the following tool is known as
‘parser’ generator ?
32. The task of the Lexical Analysis phase is
To parse the source program into the basic elements or tokens of the language
To build a literal table and an identifiertable
To build a uniform symbol table
Ans. All of the above
33. Match the following :
The processes ID 1. grep
Editor 2. ps
Searching in files 3. cat
Printing a file 4. vi
Ans.2 4
1 3
34. Consider this C code to swap two integers
and these five statements:
swap (int * px, int * py)
px = *px – *py ;
= *px + *py;
= *py – *px;
: Will generate a compilation error
: May generate a segmentation fault at runtime depending on the arguments
: Correctly implement the swap procedure for all input pointers referring to
integers stored in memory
accessible to the process
: Implements the swap procedure correctly for some but not all valid input
: May add or subtract integers and pointers.
Ans. S2 and S3
35. A compiler for a high level language that
runs on one machine and produces code for a different machine is called
Ans. Cross compiler
36. Match the following :
Deadlock avoidance 1. Shortest job
first algorithm
CPU scheduling 2. LRU algorithm
Mutual exclusion 3. Banker’s
Page replacement 4. Peterson’s
Ans. 3
1 4 2
37. Match the following:
Regular expression 1. Syntax analysis
Pushdown automata 2. Code generation
Dataflow analysis 3. Lexical analysis
Register allocation 4. Code optimization
Ans. P – 3, Q – 1, R – 4, S – 2
38. Reasoning with uncertain knowledge can be
dealt with
Ans. Non-monotonic reasoning
39. Which of the following eliminates
transitive dependency?
40. Electronic credit cards can be in
Ans. Both A and B
41. Consider the following two statements
A Hash function is an injective function which is often used for computing
digital signature
An encryption technique DES performs a permutation on the elements of its input
alphabet Which of the following is valid for the above two statements?
Ans. Both are true
42. Select A, B, C from loan table
of fields A, B, C, D, E, F
43. The number of flipflops required in a
decade counter is
44. Which of the following is a non-linear
data structure?
Stack ii. Queue
Tree iv. Graph
Doubly linked list
45. Consider the following statements :
: A page fault occurs when the required page is not available in the main
: There exists a situation that, there is no space available in the main
of the following is true ?‘
Ans. Both P and Q are true, and Q is also a reason
for P
46. Which of the following propositions is a
tautology ?
47. Fense Register is used for
Ans. File protection
48. SQL stands for
Structured Query Language
49. Active X control can be added to a
webpage by using
< OBJECT> tag
50. Consider 4 processes P1, P2, P3 and P4 Process Arrival time Time units required
0 5
1 7
3 4
4 6
the completion order of the 4 processes if round robin policy applies (round
robin with the quantum
2 time units)
1. The following features are needed to implement top down parsing
a. Source string maker
b. Prediction making mechanism
c. Matching and Backtracking mechanism
Ans. All of the above.
2. A macro definition consists of
a. A macro prototype statement
b. One or more model statements
c. Macro pre-processor statements
Ans. All of the above.
3. The main reason to encrypt a file is to
Ans. Secure it for transmission.
4.Which of the following is not a key piece of information, stored in single page table entry, assuming pure paging and virtual memory
Ans. A reference for the disk block that stores the page.
5. A UNIX device drive is
Ans. Structured into two halves called top half and bottom half.
6.The following is not a layer of IO management module
a.PICOS(Physical Input Output Control System)
b.LICOS(Logical Input Output Control System)
c. FS(File System)
Ans. MCS (Management Control System).
7. Which amongst the following is not a valid page replacement policy?
a. LRU Policy (Least Recently Used)
b.FIFO Policy (First in first out)
c.Optimal page replacement policy
Ans. RU policy (Recently Used)
8.An assembly language is a
Ans. Low level programming language.
9. TII stands for
Ans. Table of incomplete instruction.
10.An analysis, which determines the syntactic structure of the source statement, is called
Ans. Syntax analysis.
11. Action implementing instruction's meaning are actually carried out by
Ans. instruction execution.
12. The field containing a segment index or an internal index is called
Ans. Target datum.
13. A program in execution is called
Ans. Porcess.
14.Jobs which are admitted to the system processing is called
Ans. long-term scheduling.
15.A set of techniques that allow to execute a program which is not entirely in memory is called
Ans. Virtual memory.
16.SSTF stands for
Ans. Shortest-Seek-Time-First.
17. Before proceeding with its execution, each process must acquire all the resources it needs is called
Ans. hold and wait.
18. Virtual memory is
Ans. used in all major commercial operating systems.
19.Relocation bits used by relocating loader are specified by
Ans. Assembler or Translator.
20.Resolution of externally defined symbols is performed by
Ans. Linker.
21.Relocatable programs
Ans. Can be loaded almost anywhere in memory
22.page stealing
Ans. is taking page frames other working sets.
23. The total time to prepare a disk drive mechanism for a block of data to be read from its
Ans. Latency plus seek time.
24. To avoid race condition, the maximum number of processes that may be simultaneously inside the critical section is
Ans. One.
25.The memory allocation scheme subject to "external" fragmentation is
Ans. Segmentation.
26.Page fault frequency in an operating system is reduced when the
Ans. locally of references is applicable to the process.
27.In which of the following page replacement pliciesBalady'sanomly occurs?
Ans. FIFO (First in First Out)
28.Which of the following are language processors?
a. Assemblers
b. Compiler
c. Interpreter
Ans. All of the above.
29. Virtual memory can be implemented with
Ans. Segmentation, Paging
30.Recognition of basic syntatic constructs through reductions, this task is performed by
Ans. Syntax analysis.
31. A Grammar for a programming language is a formal description of
Ans. Structure.
32.Swapping is a technique of temporarily removing inactive programs from the memory of computer system.
33. Ageing is a technique of improving the priority of process waiting in Queue for CPU allocation.
34.Latency Time is the required by a sector to reach below read/write head.
35. Which of the following is most general phase structured grammar?
Ans. Context- Sensitive.
36. File record length
Ans. Should be chosen to match the data characteristics.
37. A public key encryption system
Ans. Allows only the correct receiver to decode the data.
1. The following features are needed to implement top down parsing
a. Source string maker
b. Prediction making mechanism
c. Matching and Backtracking mechanism
Ans. All of the above.
2. A macro definition consists of
a. A macro prototype statement
b. One or more model statements
c. Macro pre-processor statements
Ans. All of the above.
3. The main reason to encrypt a file is to
Ans. Secure it for transmission.
4.Which of the following is not a key piece of information, stored in single page table entry, assuming pure paging and virtual memory
Ans. A reference for the disk block that stores the page.
5. A UNIX device drive is
Ans. Structured into two halves called top half and bottom half.
6.The following is not a layer of IO management module
a.PICOS(Physical Input Output Control System)
b.LICOS(Logical Input Output Control System)
c. FS(File System)
Ans. MCS (Management Control System).
7. Which amongst the following is not a valid page replacement policy?
a. LRU Policy (Least Recently Used)
b.FIFO Policy (First in first out)
c.Optimal page replacement policy
Ans. RU policy (Recently Used)
8.An assembly language is a
Ans. Low level programming language.
9. TII stands for
Ans. Table of incomplete instruction.
10.An analysis, which determines the syntactic structure of the source statement, is called
Ans. Syntax analysis.
11. Action implementing instruction's meaning are actually carried out by
Ans. instruction execution.
12. The field containing a segment index or an internal index is called
Ans. Target datum.
13. A program in execution is called
Ans. Porcess.
14.Jobs which are admitted to the system processing is called
Ans. long-term scheduling.
15.A set of techniques that allow to execute a program which is not entirely in memory is called
Ans. Virtual memory.
16.SSTF stands for
Ans. Shortest-Seek-Time-First.
17. Before proceeding with its execution, each process must acquire all the resources it needs is called
Ans. hold and wait.
18. Virtual memory is
Ans. used in all major commercial operating systems.
19.Relocation bits used by relocating loader are specified by
Ans. Assembler or Translator.
20.Resolution of externally defined symbols is performed by
Ans. Linker.
21.Relocatable programs
Ans. Can be loaded almost anywhere in memory
22.page stealing
Ans. is taking page frames other working sets.
23. The total time to prepare a disk drive mechanism for a block of data to be read from its
Ans. Latency plus seek time.
24. To avoid race condition, the maximum number of processes that may be simultaneously inside the critical section is
Ans. One.
25.The memory allocation scheme subject to "external" fragmentation is
Ans. Segmentation.
26.Page fault frequency in an operating system is reduced when the
Ans. locally of references is applicable to the process.
27.In which of the following page replacement pliciesBalady'sanomly occurs?
Ans. FIFO (First in First Out)
28.Which of the following are language processors?
a. Assemblers
b. Compiler
c. Interpreter
Ans. All of the above.
29. Virtual memory can be implemented with
Ans. Segmentation, Paging
30.Recognition of basic syntatic constructs through reductions, this task is performed by
Ans. Syntax analysis.
31. A Grammar for a programming language is a formal description of
Ans. Structure.
32.Swapping is a technique of temporarily removing inactive programs from the memory of computer system.
33. Ageing is a technique of improving the priority of process waiting in Queue for CPU allocation.
34.Latency Time is the required by a sector to reach below read/write head.
35. Which of the following is most general phase structured grammar?
Ans. Context- Sensitive.
36. File record length
Ans. Should be chosen to match the data characteristics.
37. A public key encryption system
Ans. Allows only the correct receiver to decode the data.
1. Translator for low level
programming language were termed as
Ans. Assembler.
2. Analysis which determines the
meaning of a statement once its grammatical structure becomes known is termed
Ans. Semantic analysis.
3. Load address for the first
word of the program is called
Ans. load address origin.
4. Symbolic name can be
associated with
Ans. data or instruction.
5. The translator which perform
macro expansion is called
Ans. a Macro pre-processor.
6. Shell is the exclusivefeature
7. A program in execution is
Ans. Process.
8. Interval between the time of
submission and completion of the job is called
Ans. Turnaround time.
9. A schedular which selects
processes from secondary storage device is called
Ans. Medium term schedular.
10. The scheduling in which CPU
is allocated to the process with least CPU-burst time is called
Ans. Shortest job first
11. The term 'page traffic'
Ans. the movement of pages in and
out of memory.
12. The "turn-around"
time of a user job is the
Ans. total time taken to execute
the job.
13. The following can be used as
a criterion for classification of data structures used in language processing
Ans.Nature of a data structure,
Purpose of a data structure, Lifetime of data structure.
14. Memory utilization factor
shall be computed as follows
Ans.memory in use/total memory
15. Program
"preemption" is
Ans. forced de allocation of the
CPU from a program which is executing on the CPU.
16. An assembler is
Ans. machine dependent.
17. Which of the following is not
a fundamental process state
Ans. blocked state
18.'LRU' page replacement plicy
Ans. Least Recently Used.
19. Which of the following is
Ans.Block cipher technique is an
encryption technique and b. Stream cipher technique is an encryption technique
20. Which of the following
approaches do not require knowledge of the system state?
a. deadlock detection
b. deadlock prevention
c. deadlock avoidance
Ans.None of the above.
21. Program generation activity
aims at
Ans.Automatic generation of
22. Which among the following is
not an advantage of Distributed systems?
a.Incremental growth
b. resource sharing
c.none of the above
Ans. Reliability.
23.An imperative staement
indicates an action to be performed during execution of assembled program
24. Which of the loader is executed when a system is first
turned on or restarted
Ans. Bootstrap loader.
25. Poor response time is usually
caused by
a.process busy
b.high I/O rates
c.high paging rates
Ans.Any of the above.
26."Throughput" of a
system is Number of programs processed by it per unit time
27.The "blocking
factor" of a file is The number of logical records in one physical record.
28.which of these is a component
of a process precedence sequence?
a.process name
b.sequence operator ';'
c. concurrency operator '.'
Ans. all of the above
29.Which among the following is
vallid syntax of the Forkand Join primitive?
Ans. Fork<label>
30.Nested Macro calls are
expanded using the
Ans. LIFO - Last In First Out
31.A parser which is a variant of
top-down parsing without backtracking is
Ans. Recursive Descend.
32. The expansion of nested macro
calls follows
Ans. LIFO rule.
33.In a two-pass assembler, the
task of the Pass II is to
Ans. synthesize the target
34.A linker program
Ans. links the program with other
programs needed for its execution
35.Which scheduling policy is
most suitable for a time-shared operating system
Ans. Round-Robin
36.A critical section is a
program segment where shared resources are accessed.
37.An operating system contains 3
user processes each require 2 units of resource R.
The minimum number of units of R
such that no deadlocks will ever arise is 4.
38.Locality of reference implies
that the page reference being made by a process
Ans. is likely to be the one of
the pages used in the last few page references.
39.Which of these is not a part
of Synthesis phase
Ans. Perform LC processing
40.The syntax of the assembler
directive EQU is
Ans. <symbol> EQU
<address space>
What is
Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing
data in a database. There are two goals of the
normalization process: eliminating redundant data
(for example, storing the same data in more than one
table) and ensuring data dependencies make sense
(only storing related data in a table). Both of these
are worthy goals as they reduce the amount of space
a database consumes and ensure that data is
logically stored.
The Normal Forms:
The database community has developed a series of
guidelines for ensuring that databases are
normalized. These are referred to as normal forms
and are numbered from one (the lowest form of
normalization, referred to as first normal form or 1NF)
through five (fifth normal form or 5NF). In practical
applications, you'll often see 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF along with the occasional 4NF. Fifth normal form
is very rarely seen and won't be discussed in this article.
Before we begin our discussion of the normal forms, it's important to point out that they are
guidelines and guidelines only. Occasionally, it becomes necessary to stray from them to meet
practical business requirements. However, when variations take place, it's extremely important
to evaluate any possible ramifications they could have on your system and account for possible
inconsistencies. That said, let's explore the normal forms.
First Normal Form (1NF)
First normal form (1NF) sets the very basic rules for an organized database:
For more details, read Put t ing your Database in First Normal Form
Second Normal Form (2NF)
Second normal form (2NF) further addresses the
concept of removing duplicative data:
Eliminate duplicative columns from the same table.
Create separate tables for each group of related data and identify each row with a unique
column or set of columns (the primary key).
of a table and place them in separate tables.
Create relationships between these new tables and
their predecessors through the use of foreign keys.
Third Normal Form (3NF)
Third normal form (3NF) goes one large step further:
Meet all the requirements of the second normal form.
Remove columns that are not dependent upon the primary key.
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF or 3.5NF)
The Boyce-Codd Normal Form, also referred to as the "third and half (3.5) normal form", adds
one more requirement:
Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.
Every determinant must be a candidate key.
Fourth Normal Form (4 NF)
Finally, fourth normal form (4NF) has one additional requirement:
Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.
A relation is in 4NF if it has no multi-valued dependencies.
Remember, these normalization guidelines are cumulative. For a database to be in 2NF, it must
first fulfill all the criteria of a 1NF database.
Meet all the requirements of the first normal form.
Remove subsets of data that apply to multiple rows
Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing
data in a database. There are two goals of the
normalization process: eliminating redundant data
(for example, storing the same data in more than one
table) and ensuring data dependencies make sense
(only storing related data in a table). Both of these
are worthy goals as they reduce the amount of space
a database consumes and ensure that data is
logically stored.
The Normal Forms:
The database community has developed a series of
guidelines for ensuring that databases are
normalized. These are referred to as normal forms
and are numbered from one (the lowest form of
normalization, referred to as first normal form or 1NF)
through five (fifth normal form or 5NF). In practical
applications, you'll often see 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF along with the occasional 4NF. Fifth normal form
is very rarely seen and won't be discussed in this article.
Before we begin our discussion of the normal forms, it's important to point out that they are
guidelines and guidelines only. Occasionally, it becomes necessary to stray from them to meet
practical business requirements. However, when variations take place, it's extremely important
to evaluate any possible ramifications they could have on your system and account for possible
inconsistencies. That said, let's explore the normal forms.
First Normal Form (1NF)
First normal form (1NF) sets the very basic rules for an organized database:
For more details, read Put t ing your Database in First Normal Form
Second Normal Form (2NF)
Second normal form (2NF) further addresses the
concept of removing duplicative data:
Eliminate duplicative columns from the same table.
Create separate tables for each group of related data and identify each row with a unique
column or set of columns (the primary key).
of a table and place them in separate tables.
Create relationships between these new tables and
their predecessors through the use of foreign keys.
Third Normal Form (3NF)
Third normal form (3NF) goes one large step further:
Meet all the requirements of the second normal form.
Remove columns that are not dependent upon the primary key.
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF or 3.5NF)
The Boyce-Codd Normal Form, also referred to as the "third and half (3.5) normal form", adds
one more requirement:
Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.
Every determinant must be a candidate key.
Fourth Normal Form (4 NF)
Finally, fourth normal form (4NF) has one additional requirement:
Meet all the requirements of the third normal form.
A relation is in 4NF if it has no multi-valued dependencies.
Remember, these normalization guidelines are cumulative. For a database to be in 2NF, it must
first fulfill all the criteria of a 1NF database.
Meet all the requirements of the first normal form.
Remove subsets of data that apply to multiple rows